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JR Boucicaut

Fidel Castro

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Word is, he's worse than Fidel. I'm 1/2 cuban, and my mom can't wait for them to clean up the mess so that she can go back to visit, but god only knows how long it'll take. If we go in and "guide" them towards democracy, I think it will be taken pretty well, but we will still have to deal with guerrilla war tactics to clean out all of the communists. Not sure that we want to open up that can of worms since we've got enough problems in the Middle East, especially if China decides to back up the Cubans.

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You do realize that they are a sovereign nation and you cant just go in and guide them towards democracy, thats not Americas job, bring democracy to the world. America has enough problems in its own right, they shouldnt be so worried about others. And besides a lot of the Cubans love living in Cuba and love Fidel, they dont want American democracy. Im sure many would like the freedoms of the USA but have yet to get out but there are still many people who love living there. Theres no need to ever lead them to democracy, they are their own country so let them live like that. How would America take it if China built a massive army and attacked the US saying that Americans need Communism? Its a shame Fidel cant let those who want to leave leave because Im sure plenty of Cubans would stay with him.

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I love the cubans. Cubans are some of the coolest people in the world. There food is great, there culture is interesting, there cigars rock, and their fashion is pretty damn cool. Im planning a trip to havanah for some time in March. The loops you have to go through to go there are pretty crazy though.

This Castro will be dead soon enough, so maybe after these two croke we will get a nice little democracy down there.

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radio guy this morning talking about castro: hes like 103. when he dies his brother will replace hime and hes 75. cuba is going with a youth movement!

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You do realize that they are a sovereign nation and you cant just go in and guide them towards democracy, thats not Americas job, bring democracy to the world. America has enough problems in its own right, they shouldnt be so worried about others. And besides a lot of the Cubans love living in Cuba and love Fidel, they dont want American democracy. Im sure many would like the freedoms of the USA but have yet to get out but there are still many people who love living there. Theres no need to ever lead them to democracy, they are their own country so let them live like that. How would America take it if China built a massive army and attacked the US saying that Americans need Communism? Its a shame Fidel cant let those who want to leave leave because Im sure plenty of Cubans would stay with him.

I do realize this and it wasn't my idea. it was stated in the article. I think that if we let things run their course, they'll end up democratic eventually anyway. even China is moving towards an oxymoronic Capitalist Communist society.

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What the hell? Capitalistic Communism?

May as well have a National Socilist Communism...

My point exactly. but it's true. although they continue in communist tradition, they are slowly moving towards a capitalist society due to the trade caused by their sheer manufacturing power.

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