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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One70 Stick

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Its best if you dont post auctions like this, just pictures since some people may be watching them. ;)

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like the hespeler alpha''sp?'' Actually i came back from sport expert and the vic OPS had the same thing on their blade.

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Its best if you dont post auctions like this, just pictures since some people may be watching them. ;)

or bidding...

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The pad is in the wrong place. I have no problem receiving passes on the forehand, but find pucks ricocheting more often when receiving on the backhand.

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huh, that pad is weird. I also take pretty much all of my wrister and snap shot with the toe. The feel much be pretty weird too. Anyways, the stick doesn't look bad at all if you tape all of your blade and if you roll the puck with the heel when you shoot.

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the whole idea of the one 90 and that series of sticks is for power, so i doubt the pad on the blade will take anything off people's shot. the hosel is larger on thoses sticks as is the taper i think.

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After all, it's the king, what did you expected? :)

Oh god, now he's got a crush on JR. Maybe you can squeeze him in your name with your other crush Kovy :P

I feel bad for you JR haha.


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Damn it JR, stop holding back all this information! :P

Make another account on here so you can reveal it and nobody will know its you or just PM me and I'll reveal all your secrets!

....Come on ;)

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No I dont shoot with the toe but It seems that the pad runs almost to the heel and I usually shoot right where the curve starts in the center of the blade closer to the heel. still looks like that pad runs almost to there so it would be half and half.

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