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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Webster

Redstar Sniper

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Are Redstar Sniper wheels any good as i found some on Ebay for $34.99. thats pretty cheap for wheels if you live here in the UK

and they come with mini bearings.

what are your thoughts on these wheels


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Tip: If you find a good deal and you think you'll bid, DO NOT tell others about it

But if you can get them for that go for it, the bearings alone will cost almost double that in the UK :(

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I have a set of redstars on my pf8s.. I decided to cheap out on wheels since I was playing on smooth concrete.. they seem to have decent life and grip.. they wear differently than the rink rat hornets I had on the skates originally though.. the rink rats seem to wear down fairly smoothly then as they get older they chunk a little by little until they're rough in shape.. the redstars on the other hand, wear by rubbing kinda like a rubber eraser.. so its gotten rough fairly quickly in some spots.. but the rough spots arn't as deep as the rink rats.. I hope someone can understand what I'm babbling about.. :P

In any case, if they're cheap, I would get them because they offer decent grip and I would say they're not that prone to chunking..

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Tip: If you find a good deal and you think you'll bid, DO NOT tell others about it

But if you can get them for that go for it, the bearings alone will cost almost double that in the UK :(

Thats why i bought them first before posting this :P

A set of 8 wheels and micro bearings for £20 including shipping.

I couldnt resist :D

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Personally I love the snipers and have quite a few sets stored away for myself. But I play mostly on a wood surface where they are ideal. From what most folks say they're not a high performance wheel on tile surfaces. Also, they do wear down like Jackmyc said which is one of the reasons I dig them... I've gone through like maybe 6 full sets of these wheels and they never chunk. Even when they develop stress cracks, they never actually come apart.

If you're like most UK players and play mostly on wood, I'd highly recommend you try these out.

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