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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does anyone wash their gear?

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Do any of you guys wash your gear?

I just washed mine today, I melted some oxyclean in hot water and threw my gear in the tub and I just squeezed out all the dried out sweat, and then I let it hang dry outside?

What methods do you guys use to clean your gear?

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I have done similiar with OK results.... Also used Esporta(many different opinions on that process here) and liked it...

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As someone prob will say, run a search.

I personally dump everything in a bathtub with some laundry detergent, rinse, and stick out on the deck on one of these hot days.

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i washed my elbow pads

it came out good but after a game it stunk worse

i wash my shoulder pads with a brush and soap and that seems to work well

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Ive done the bathtub, but with bleach instead of regular detergent. It kills all of the germs, but can discolor some things. If it's elbow pads or shin guards it's not a big deal, but a friend had a brown mark in an unfortunate location on his ice hockey pants for a while from this process.

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