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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor 40

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Why would it be XXXX? Did they skip out of school when they taught roman numals? Properly, it would be XL.

Did you go straight home after school? XXXX is way cooler than XL.

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The four X's look ridiculous in my opinion, unless they want the skate called the "Four-X" instead of 40.

Or maybe just 4X or X4

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The four X's look ridiculous in my opinion, unless they want the skate called the "Four-X" instead of 40.

I can imagine XL causing a problem with the older lower end Inline model.

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The four X's look ridiculous in my opinion, unless they want the skate called the "Four-X" instead of 40.

I can imagine XL causing a problem with the older lower end Inline model.

I think the price tag would alleviate any confusion...

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That wouldn't look as good and people could confuse it for "Extra Large"

Did anyone confuse the XXXs for porn?

HAHA lol.

I had a Vapor XXX shirt and I wore it to school one day and one of my teachers thought that it was an advertisement for a porn movie. Lol it was so funny...

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I had a Vapor XXX shirt and I wore it to school one day and one of my teachers thought that it was an advertisement for a porn movie. Lol it was so funny...

You should have told them that you starred in it.

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In Australia they sell a brand of beer called XXXX Bitter (said "four ex"). Its the crappest beer ever and is the brunt of many jokes.... Involving its spelling and that of the word shite without the e...


Hence why Im laughing at NBH's latest marketting ploy.

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In Australia they sell a brand of beer called XXXX Bitter (said "four ex"). Its the crappest beer ever and is the brunt of many jokes.... Involving its spelling and that of the word shite without the e...


Hence why Im laughing at NBH's latest marketting ploy.

yeah that beers horrible i had some while i was down there

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That wouldn't look as good and people could confuse it for "Extra Large"

Did anyone confuse the XXXs for porn?

HAHA lol.

I had a Vapor XXX shirt and I wore it to school one day and one of my teachers thought that it was an advertisement for a porn movie. Lol it was so funny...

was it the shirt that said "XXX Star" .. because I remember getting one from a rep and thinking.. if I wore this work.. it probably wouldnt go over too well with the parents.. lol

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That wouldn't look as good and people could confuse it for "Extra Large"

Did anyone confuse the XXXs for porn?

HAHA lol.

I had a Vapor XXX shirt and I wore it to school one day and one of my teachers thought that it was an advertisement for a porn movie. Lol it was so funny...

i have a vapor xxx hate and my non-hockey freidns ask me why im wearing a porno hat.

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That wouldn't look as good and people could confuse it for "Extra Large"

Did anyone confuse the XXXs for porn?

HAHA lol.

I had a Vapor XXX shirt and I wore it to school one day and one of my teachers thought that it was an advertisement for a porn movie. Lol it was so funny...

was it the shirt that said "XXX Star" .. because I remember getting one from a rep and thinking.. if I wore this work.. it probably wouldnt go over too well with the parents.. lol

Nah its like this...


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