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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cairns punches ref and then fights belak

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he even gave that guy a shot on the way to the dressing room. what a douche.

yeah thats such a cheap shot, he was already tied up with another guy. I hate it when idiots do stuff like that.

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Was Belak wearing a visor?

EIHL rules, any player born after december 31st 1974 must wear a half visor as a minimum.

Figured it was a rule...can't imagine he CHOOSE to wear one.

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And I was there :D

I was really shocked when it happend I'll try and upload the video I have of it aswell

What were you doin there, in enemy territory? lol

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Heard rumours of bench brawls being planned like the last playoff game Vs. Panthers I only went for the fights as i knew they would all want to fight (We only ended up taking 7 players down to London) and the last 5 mins of the game lasted about 30 Mins I think

In the EIHL it's Game misconduct if you jersey comes off like Cairns did and also you may not see it but in the video but sticks were also being thrown from bench to bench.

If I remember correctley Cairns was either banned for 2 years from playing in Britain or for life I don't remember which, but it wasn't like he was gonna stay anyway what with the lockout being the only reason he was actually there and possibly as there were so NHL "tough guys" there mainly Belak Mckenna and maybe Ed Patternson.

All in all it was a stupid ban they gave him and they knew it

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Thats just gross. Its too bad Belak can't throw punches as well as he can take them, he'd be amazing.

Once Cairns Jersey came off you could tell Belak was in trouble. He's good at tying someone up, putting them off-balance and just hammering away, but as Cairns Jersey slid he was done.

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In the EIHL it's Game misconduct if you jersey comes off like Cairns did and also you may not see it but in the video but sticks were also being thrown from bench to bench.

That wasnt in place last year, was it? i thought it only came in this year as they all got fight straps.

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