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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick help

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so i broke another stick but i want to find something new

i want either a hex 1 or a st(i already had it and loved it)

is the hexcore blade good at all and hows the durability

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The Hex sticks are really nice sticks. The feel with the puck is really nice compared to the synergys. The Hex shaft durability is very very good, but the blade chips apart like it was make of crackers. If you are looking for durability, I would go with the ST because depending on what level your playing, the Hex is going to need to be cut in a matter of weeks. I mean, all of my synergys have had the blade break before the shaft so thats not saying much, but I (personally) still use a synergy ST.

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i play bantam comp. i get slashed heavily.so i am looking for a good shaft.all blades chip so im not really worried about that.they both seem really close in performance so thats why im letting you guys decide.

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I would say go for the ST, you've already had one and you seemed to have liked it, so go with something you know that will last and perform. My friend had a Hex-1 and the blade was cracked and split within 2 weeks(approx).

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Yep I have heard nothing but bad things about Hex blades such as cracking. chipping and lose of stiffness

Hex was a disaster -- 2 hours for a crack to form in the blade.

Dont even bother.

Could possibly be the worst high end OPS made in the last 2 years.

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so it sounds like the hex sucks. i wanted to try something new but why not go with something thats a bit cheaper and what you know will work for you

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