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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Car stereo

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alrite so im 16 and i've had my car for almost two weeks now and i've been trying to get burnt cds to work in it and they wont, all i've been trying are CD-Rs. Any suggestions would be helpful, by the way my car is a '97 infiniti I30. Thanks again in advanced

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When you burn the CD are you closing the session? I know in the past I've had CD's that weren't closed (multi-session burn) that wouldn't play anywhere except my Computer CD.

[EDIT] Upon further review...Dante just asked the same thing *"D'OH!"*

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Whatever you decide to do, it has to come with a new stereo as I'm sure something from 1996 isn't going to read any recordable CDs.

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how do i install that?

Plug it into the FM antenna input on the back of the headunit and mount the modulator where ever you want(in the glove box, under the seat, etc.)

Installation requires the removal of stereo and power/ground wiring

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Now i have an 03' Malibu, and i use CD-RW CD's to burn, but they never work. Any reason to this? Should i be using CD-R's?

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My burning program is iTunes, and i have CD-RW's for CDs, they work in the 06' Chevy but not the 03'. Is there anyway they'll work?

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