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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ultra Lite or zbubble

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I have a choice between these two sticks. I love my 85 flex synergy ST, so with that in mind, which one would you guys take? Durability is not an issue for me, strictly performance.

ps ive used a zbubble and zcarbon si core combo, so bad IMO

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I have had a Z-Bubble grip for a 1.5 years and its in great shape i love it and think its great i usually use Bauer wood baldes in it and it feels great maybe a little blade heavy after using an xxx lite but still really nice

Right now i am using an XXX lite with the bubble as a back up

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I'd say go for either in an 85 flex. If you had issues with zbubbles before, I'd go with the Ultra Lite. It may not work out either, but at least you know what you had with the Z Bubble. If the other Bubble was stiffer, however, I'd try the Bubble 85 flex, as it is supposed to act like a tapered shaft. (While I'm on it, the synergy II is nice too, and If you're using composite blades, they're about the same price, but make sure you can get your pattern in a tapered blade.)

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I don't like Z-Bubbles at all, durability aside. They always felt funny when I shot. Durability may not be an issue for acquiring them, but it is when you're playing and it snaps on you.

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I have had many Ultra Lights and they may just be one of the best sticks made if you put a carbon blade on it. Of the three or four that i have had, I have only broken one and that was because it was slashed.

Great feeling stick, I have been using them since they came out and now have them as back ups.

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I don't like Z-Bubbles at all, durability aside. They always felt funny when I shot. Durability may not be an issue for acquiring them, but it is when you're playing and it snaps on you.

i had an 85 flex once.

Hey mack you notice when you shoot either it flexes too much or doesnt at all sometimes? or it torques open? Plus it feels like i shoot the puck, then it flexes, unlikle every other stick ive ever used where it flexes as you shoot. Any sound similar?

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Dolgy the Z Bubble is the biggest piece of shit in the league, I used one for a game last year and experienced everything Mack is talking about as far as shooting goes, its way too easy to torque the flexpoint. Go with the UL with either the ST blade or a Warrior

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funny, because i really liked my Z-bubble for the 1 years it lasted, paired with my Franklin powercore 9007, balance and feel was awsome. Maybe you are right dolgy, with a Z-carbon it would be too light.

But you know your SL you sold me...that what i use for 1 years now, SL shaft and Z-carbon and it is awsome, it has the same balance as the real SL ops..

Why don't you try the Vapor X with a Z-carbon?(maybe you just have choices between Easton branded shaft..)

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I always felt like it was torquing open. I'd go for a shot and feel it open up, I guess you could relate it to golf but I don't play, and it just doesn't feel right. That plus they're prone to break and money aside, no one wants to have a scoring chance nullified because your twig snaps.

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