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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MSH Artists?

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I already have one that a watch can cover, but we have to wear shirts/ties anyway so the long sleeves take care of it. It's a 'professional' job and more places are lax about tattoos so long as you don't come in with a sleeve.

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Not to add fuel to the fire but I don't think of protection when I think of barbed wire I think of keeping something in (prison), not keeping things out. also barbwire protects by hurting I don't think that is what you want to do. I would brainstorm some more on what protection and providing means to you and run with that.

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thanks for the drawing, that is really cool and i like it, but i want something a little more obvious. i know it may be weird to other people but i like to go with my gut instinct so im gonna go with the barbed wire and the name around my arm i think.

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hey man this really has nothing to do with the topic but are you like 16 or 17 years old?

When your post starts with ''This really has nothing to do with the topic'' Then you probably shouldn't post it.

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hey man this really has nothing to do with the topic but are you like 16 or 17 years old?

When your post starts with ''This really has nothing to do with the topic'' Then you probably shouldn't post it.

Would you rather he make a whole new thread to ask one simple question that can be asked in this thread and answered easily?

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hey man this really has nothing to do with the topic but are you like 16 or 17 years old?

When your post starts with ''This really has nothing to do with the topic'' Then you probably shouldn't post it.

Would you rather he make a whole new thread to ask one simple question that can be asked in this thread and answered easily?

Maybe he should PM him, but it appears by his other post that he found the answer to his question... ;)

But on topic, I'll give the drawing a shot, maybe make a couple of different ones and post them. If you want to see some of my stuff, there's a topic in the Ice Hockey Equipment thread I started a while back, titled "Equipment Drawings"

Feel free to PM me if you want to go in a different direction with this tattoo.




Sorry about the crappy quality, I can't find me scanner, but I'll scan them when I do. I've never done a tribal before, so it was kind of a shot in the dark for me, but let me know what you think.

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No offense, but that looks like a prison tat. Not the actual artwork by Dei, but the theme. Guy Incognito's is sick.

I'm glad someone said it. :huh: I was trying to avoid influencing someone from likes/dislikes. :D

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Why don't you go to a reputable parlor and sit down with a tattoo artist ? Then youcan tell him what you want, he can show you some designs, and you can refine things from there.

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