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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I have been modeling my apartment using this for a few days now.. I haven't been able to put it down! I have always been interested in cad, but never really wanted to take the time to learn. This program is amazing for modeling, and its all FREEHAND!

If you don't have any clue what you are doing, go to help and do the short video tutorials.. There are like 4 of them and they are only about 5 min each. After watching them, a 5 year old can model anything he can imagine.

Haven't tried it? Google "Sketchup". Its a google program and is free.


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You @$$hole. You just blew my whole evening last night. Of course, I had to check it out and 2 hours later, my wife is pissed and I'm still goofing around with it.


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You @$$hole. You just blew my whole evening last night. Of course, I had to check it out and 2 hours later, my wife is pissed and I'm still goofing around with it.


no problem :D

Me and a friend got our tape measures out and were doing a model of our office now lol..

its addicting!

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