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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lip piercings

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I've never seen the point in getting a piercing or tattoo, not that there's anything wrong with that. It's just that I figure that I would rather get recognized for what I do rather than for how I look.

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I have a coach who tells us not to even wear watches or even wedding rings because he almost lost a finger in a freak accident where his glove came off and his ring somehow snagged the netting. So you can imagine how he would feel about a lip piercing sans cage.

Question, what would a retainer do for someone in the piercing situation ?

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The point is about 4,028 miles east of you but don't worry about it.

Please enlighten me. Elaborate.

BTW, no need to resort to cheap shots.

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Well the point isn't about a piercing, tattoo or pretty much anything having to do with appearance. The point I'm trying to make is that thru my years of playing other sports or being around the people who play them, hockey seems to be the most least-accepting 'lifestyle' of them all when it comes to individuality rearing its ugly head. I would say a good 90% of the teams I've been on have been seemingly cut out of a mold. Just look around here and see how people would jump on a kid for getting a lip pierced for Christ's sake.

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Mack, I don't think they jumped on the kid. I see it more as beeing opiniated on a subject that was brought forth on these forums. Like I said, it's ok to not like piercings and tattoos and it's ok to like them. You seem to like them and thus it is understandable that you question the fact that someone couldn't like such an expression of one's own personality. On the same token, people who don't like or appreciate them are wondering how one would need to go to that extent to show their personality and all. I can understand that we pretty much all beg to differ in a certain way.

Also, keep in mind that some people will get a piercing or a tattoo without giving it much thought. Where should I put it. Will it cause me grief when it comes to finding a job? What if I get sick and tired of it, can I remove it? will there be any scars.

People often consider the cool factor first and practical factor second or not at all and they are bitterly disappointed when it doesn't turn out the way they thought it would. One has to know that complications can arise from getting a piercing or a tattoo. A piercing can be downright rejected by the body, cause infection, not scar properly, specially if not cared for properly and such. Getting a tattoo can also be hell. If you don't pick your artist properly you could end up with a shitty tattoo or worst, AIDS or Epathitis which is no fun either... so that's probably some of the reasons why some people seem to be against piercings and tattoos and may come accross a little stronger then they/we'd like them to...

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I like your point about the hassle of getting a job Hamstercaster. My grads face that dilema every year. I tell them they need to evaluate who they are and where they want to go and what their priorities are.

Some are so "attached" to their piercings or tats that they choose to leave them - it is much, MUCH harder for them to find a job. But when they do, it is at an "accepting" place that is willing to take them as they are. Someone earlier said they wished people wouldn't judge you by how you look. Me too, I'm all for self expression, but the reality is, people do just that, so deal with it.

Other Grads take them out, remove them or cover them up. They feel they are moving into a different world and new phase of their lives and must put away "the things of childhood".

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It's not that I'm a big advocate of either (though I have a tattoo and had a lip ring), I think I'm just going for more acceptance. I remember back when I played it was still the lame old JHB-ish mentality with players and it still is today. I find it ironic though, because I always hear references to "hockey hair" but it's now a shag that kids had when I was skateboarding as a young kid, yet they claim it as their own. My understanding of hockey hair was a mullet and still is to this day.

But it also goes to other things, like having other interests. Having other interests/playing other sports always seemed alien to them. It always seemed like they would always be the first to give a crap if someone else played another sport, like it was disgusting.

I'll just stop at the risk of having a rainbow coalition sticker put on my car now though.


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If you can't take it out I'd put tape over it. I remember our assoc used to make kids do that who had hoop earrings.

With USAH and I believe IIHF rules, those are your two choices.

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Question, what would a retainer do for someone in the piercing situation ?

A piercing retainer is a small, flexible plastic thing that is small and less noticeable, and jsut goes through the hole so it doesnt heal up.

Also it means its a lot safer for hockey and other sports.

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i have my lip pierced and my ears gauged to 0s and I play without a mask, I've never gotten any shit for any of it and it's never been any sort of hinderance.

And I wear glasses.

I'm a mess.

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I getmy eyebrow pierced every summer and play drop ins and go to camps with it, however; in the winter i have to take it out for insurance reasons as i play JR's and we wear visors.

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