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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey does anyone have any good video clips of dekes or the michigan moves any of that stuff or any good pictures like flex when taking slap shots and stuff. posty them here please my computer got re formatted :(

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hey what sort of ball is that guy using and what stick it looks different? man that is amazing i have never seen it before. anything else like that anyone. any clips of crosby doing dekes ?

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hey what sort of ball is that guy using and what stick it looks different? man that is amazing i have never seen it before. anything else like that anyone. any clips of crosby doing dekes ?

Looks like it's from some kind of ball hockey sport. I've never seen this before. Look at these videos. The top one will give you a good look at the stick blade and ball. I like the penalty shot one...


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Ok, so it is like Whiffle Hockey. That makes it more believable. I was wondering for a minute why none of the players wore shinguards until I saw the ball up close.

Tom- who can throw a mean curveball with a whiffleball

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the ball hockey videos were on corebeam a while back. Someone confirmed that the sticks have a indent in the blade, making it possible for them to pick the balls up and do those crazy tricks.

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Holy christ! :o thats the coolest thing i have ever seen, the moves on taht one guy. I'm speachless.

P.S. i searched kazaa for that song, and turned up nothing. so if anyone has it can they send it to: m_unit_1@hotmail.com . thanks

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The sport is called InneBandy or Floorball (Bandy is a little different as it is played on a soccer-sized field of ice which they skate on with regular skates) and after talking with a few Swedish friends before, the sport seems to be pretty big there. I was pretty amazed when I first saw a video similar to that but then found out that the stick's curve has a huge hook along with the ball being very light.

Here's a pic of a Bandy game:


Really fascinated me.

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jeez, they got a soccer goal on the ice :D It looks like it would be pretty hard stickhandling the ball on the ice, although it would probably be alot of fun

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