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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Living the good life!

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I was just thinking what it would be like to have anything you wanted at your fingertips, I'm from a pretty wealthy family an oil family actually but they don't give me what I want, I don't have a problem with that but I was thinking... What if you had it all. What would you do?

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...I'm from a pretty wealthy family an oil family...

With the price all of us "normal" people are paying for gas...I wouldn't be throwing that info around too freely <_<

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...I'm from a pretty wealthy family an oil family...

With the price all of us "normal" people are paying for gas...I wouldn't be throwing that info around too freely <_<

not that i support the oil companies, but no one was complaining when they were loosing money in the early 90's and last i checked their profits were in line with normal percentages of many companies. Remember businesses are to run their business in the best interest of the stockholders. The stockholders are who the business has the real obligation too.

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...I'm from a pretty wealthy family an oil family...

With the price all of us "normal" people are paying for gas...I wouldn't be throwing that info around too freely <_<

Ya seriously I wouldnt be bringin that up in a international conversation.

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...I'm from a pretty wealthy family an oil family...

With the price all of us "normal" people are paying for gas...I wouldn't be throwing that info around too freely <_<

Ya seriously I wouldnt be bringin that up in a international conversation.

Gawd... He said his parents owned a heating oil company not 50 oil rigs in the Saudi desert. They have to buy the oil too, and I would bet thet they are none too happy about the prices either. My wife works for a heating oil company and her boss hates to pay the prices that he has to get his oil. Maybe his wording could have been a little claerer when he said he was from an "oil family".

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...I'm from a pretty wealthy family an oil family...

With the price all of us "normal" people are paying for gas...I wouldn't be throwing that info around too freely <_<

Ya seriously I wouldnt be bringin that up in a international conversation.

So true. Over here a gallon is about 7,2 $ US right now.

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Jesus Christ, i cant stand people who bitch about gas prices.

Either shut up and pay, or dont drive. Bitching is not going to make prices get any cheaper.

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I was just thinking what it would be like to have anything you wanted at your fingertips, I'm from a pretty wealthy family an oil family actually but they don't give me what I want, I don't have a problem with that but I was thinking... What if you had it all. What would you do?

I'd buy a pool table. But, then, I'd have to knock down a few walls to make it fit.... B)

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I was just thinking what it would be like to have anything you wanted at your fingertips, I'm from a pretty wealthy family an oil family actually but they don't give me what I want, I don't have a problem with that but I was thinking... What if you had it all. What would you do?

I'd buy a pool table. But, then, I'd have to knock down a few walls to make it fit.... B)

You could buy a bigger house... ;)

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I'd buy horses right now - and in a few years when the family farm bites the dust (it'll become suburban sprawl in the not-so-distant future) I'd buy my own horse farm.

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...I'm from a pretty wealthy family an oil family...

With the price all of us "normal" people are paying for gas...I wouldn't be throwing that info around too freely <_<

Ya seriously I wouldnt be bringin that up in a international conversation.

Gawd... He said his parents owned a heating oil company not 50 oil rigs in the Saudi desert. They have to buy the oil too, and I would bet thet they are none too happy about the prices either. My wife works for a heating oil company and her boss hates to pay the prices that he has to get his oil. Maybe his wording could have been a little claerer when he said he was from an "oil family".

You've most likely heard of the company, Downeast Energy

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Bill Gates has 50 billion and hes only leaving 10 million to his kids.

Not 10 million? Thats enough to live the rest of your life isn't it?

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Not to mention they'd presumably get stock as well. Those poor kids.

Actually they are poor kids cause theyre never gona have to work for anything, or know what its like to actually have to use money wisely. they could be spoiled as hell and prolly snobs

but hell id still take 10 mill.

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Not to mention they'd presumably get stock as well.  Those poor kids.

Actually they are poor kids cause theyre never gona have to work for anything, or know what its like to actually have to use money wisely. they could be spoiled as hell and prolly snobs

but hell id still take 10 mill.

Making assumptions is awesome eh? :ph34r:

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Does he even have kids yet?

probably not, but he can buy a wife and if they cant produce, he can get all the fancy medical things to help have a kid....

im suprised he hasnt cloned himeslf

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