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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taller skaters that use Lightspeed

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Any taller players (I guess 6'1" and up) find the Lightspeeds are a little too high when you are skating ? I know it helps shorter players with stride legth, etc but wonder if it really helps taller skaters.

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I'm 6'5" and couldn't get used to them. I ended up going back to ICMs. They just didn't feel right to me and I didn't want to have to get used to blades.

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on the topic of holders, i recently purchased retail pure flys, skated on them a few times and they were ok, i had an pair of pro stock XX's lying around and wanted to see how they felt. they were no joke twice as good as the pureflys. is that because of the holders (missions vs lightspeeds?) or is it the boot or maybe because they were already broken in? i was kinda disapointed in the pureflys because i had a pair coverted to roller and they were awsome.

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Probably because they were already broken in. The holder feel is strictly preference - keep in mind Mission's stock radius is 11' and Bauer 9' (I dunno if those prostocks were altered any)

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I am a hair over 6'1" and I had some small problems with the Lightspeeds on my first couple pairs of skates, but I would attribute those problems more to the boot than the holders. I like the Lightspeeds on my current pair of V-12s, except for the fact that the blade on both skates has developed a slight bend. No problems with the blade height though.

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I am almost 6'3" so maybe 6'1" fits just right depending how long your stride is, etc. I think it's also what you have been skating on and how long you were on it. I've been on regular Tuuks my whole life. I've had the Lightspeeds (have XXs) for a year now and still don't think I get good thrust as the regular Tuuk.

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So Jr, in your opinion, would the pure flys feel any better with lightspeeds?

I think what he's saying is find out what the radius on the Bauers is and get the same put on the Mission blades.

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I'm 6'3" and I don't really think that the litespeeds are a detriment. I used to use TUUK customs on 7000s and I did notice the difference when I first started using the litespeeds on vapor xxs but I don't think they have affected me negatively since. interesting point tho.

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Well, my steel is almost done on my XXs so I just ordered today regular TUUKS/steel and will put them on and see. I don't think I've had adverse effects with the Lightspeeds I just think I'm used to the reg. TUUKS.

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Are you getting the whole holder replaced or just the steel? If it's just the steel then I am not entirely sure that there will be any difference and the height of the skate. Somebody can correct me if I am wrong.

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Yes--the whole holder. That is where the height increase is . . . I'm curious to see how the XXs will feel w/regular TUUKs.

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