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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Christian Blades

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When I dropped off my skates today to change holders, I was browsing around for replacement blades for my ultralite. I noticed that they had some new christian blades. I picked it up and I was stunned at how light they were. It felt almost weightless in my hand. I have used a harrow ops for a while and remember their blades being fat (with a foam core). These things were as thin as zcarbons!

Anyways, anybody else seen them? Do the hold up as well as the old harrow blades? Do they have as good of feel?

I tried asking my lhs worker, but he didn't know much about hockey.. he was a sales rep for the lacrosse gear. <_<

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I am into my second custom order of 6 blades; here's my take:

1. Extremely light.

2. Good feel.

3. Average stiffness (not a priority for me).

4. Below average durability (they delaminate and the wood separates/crumbles faster than most wood blades). Even with the most diligent tape removal post use, they still have a shorter lifetime than the average wood blade.

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yea.. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I was talking about the composites. I dont know if this years line up of blades are the same as the torch lineup.

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The older christians/Harrows had a little better feel but the new Christians have a little better durability. I sold a ton of them, let me know if you have any specific questions.

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I had a couple of the Christian Tapered blades and I didn't really like the feel of them. I was only using them for roller at the time, so maybe they were better with an ice puck, I dunno. But i did have a helluva time trying to get them into my shafts without getting loose. I put tape on the hosel and they were still getting loose on me.

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I had a couple of the Christian Tapered blades and I didn't really like the feel of them. I was only using them for roller at the time, so maybe they were better with an ice puck, I dunno. But i did have a helluva time trying to get them into my shafts without getting loose. I put tape on the hosel and they were still getting loose on me.

:angry: I may have to order one.. Youre not from the Provo Utah area are you? My lhs tried to convice me that a junior blade was really a senior.. dispite the fact it was clearly smaller and had a sticker on it that said "JUNIOR"..


Chadd, what patterns do you have in senior?

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I had a couple of the Christian Tapered blades and I didn't really like the feel of them. I was only using them for roller at the time, so maybe they were better with an ice puck, I dunno. But i did have a helluva time trying to get them into my shafts without getting loose. I put tape on the hosel and they were still getting loose on me.

:angry: I may have to order one.. Youre not from the Provo Utah area are you? My lhs tried to convice me that a junior blade was really a senior.. dispite the fact it was clearly smaller and had a sticker on it that said "JUNIOR"..


Chadd, what patterns do you have in senior?

I don't run a shop anymore and I'm way out east but I still have a new RH "recchi" in the closet.

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I had a couple of the Christian Tapered blades and I didn't really like the feel of them. I was only using them for roller at the time, so maybe they were better with an ice puck, I dunno. But i did have a helluva time trying to get them into my shafts without getting loose. I put tape on the hosel and they were still getting loose on me.

:angry: I may have to order one.. Youre not from the Provo Utah area are you? My lhs tried to convice me that a junior blade was really a senior.. dispite the fact it was clearly smaller and had a sticker on it that said "JUNIOR"..


Chadd, what patterns do you have in senior?

I'm in NJ. I actually got them from Chadd, and I'm sure he wouldn't send me JRs knowing I needed SRs. I just think the hosel was very narrow, more narrow than any of the other tapered blades I have. I guess in a Christian stick it would work fine, but in the sticks I was using they always got loose.

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I had a couple of the Christian Tapered blades and I didn't really like the feel of them. I was only using them for roller at the time, so maybe they were better with an ice puck, I dunno. But i did have a helluva time trying to get them into my shafts without getting loose. I put tape on the hosel and they were still getting loose on me.

:angry: I may have to order one.. Youre not from the Provo Utah area are you? My lhs tried to convice me that a junior blade was really a senior.. dispite the fact it was clearly smaller and had a sticker on it that said "JUNIOR"..


Chadd, what patterns do you have in senior?

I'm in NJ. I actually got them from Chadd, and I'm sure he wouldn't send me JRs knowing I needed SRs. I just think the hosel was very narrow, more narrow than any of the other tapered blades I have. I guess in a Christian stick it would work fine, but in the sticks I was using they always got loose.

Usually a strip of tape worked for me. Do other blades fit without coming loose? Most shafts will eventually stretch a bit at the hosel, specially if they are overheated when swapping out blades.

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