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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All their stuff sounds the same.. I listened to their older cd a lot, but this one just sounds like a rehash.

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I got into Muse after seeing them perform at Live 8. Alot of the songs do sound the same, but they do have a couple of really good songs like Time is Running Out, Escape, Bliss and Knights of Cydonia.

It's weird watching a big festival type show like that and hearing bands you've never heard before. I also got into Stereophonics, Scissor Sisters, Razorlight, Snow Patrol and Travis after watching Live 8.

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All their stuff sounds the same.. I listened to their older cd a lot, but this one just sounds like a rehash.

the new one? it's nothing like their old stuff. much more electronic. in fact the reason i gave it a poor review is because it's so frantic.

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almost everything from their album Absolution is the best, older stuff like Shrinking Universe and Plug-In Baby is good, their new stuff is different than their old ones but it's still good with the exception of Invincible.

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