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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bo from Boston

Hockey Gladiators

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I was anxiously awaiting this event...but now that I see the list of BUFFOONS on this list, I am doubting I will subcribe to the pay per view to get it.

When I first heard about this, the sportscast said "the first person to sign up is Tony Twist". At that moment, I knew it was going to be great. HE IS NOWHERE ON THE LIST. They advertise someone as ex NHL and when you look at their stats, it was ONE game. Link Gaetz and Lyndon Byers are the only serious ex NHL'rs going. I had read rumors of Ewen, Crowder etc...being in the mix, but it turns out to be a bunch of nobody's from junior, the Quebec senior league, or the texas blood league.

I am not going to say that this group isn't tough, but the whole idea of this thing was to reunite a bunch of ex NHL goons and see who was pound for pound the toughest. One guy is 50 years old for christ sakes....

Anyone have any idea why so few ex NHL players are participating (probably were better with their money than Gaetz or LB).

PS - I did do a search on this and nothing came back so don't yell at me if it some where else that I missed.

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Actually the point of this was to make money for the promoter, it had nothing to do with seeing what former NHL players were still tough. I have a feeling that anyone who participates will be blackballed by the NHL for quite a while. No coaching or broadcasting jobs for anyone who participates. That's my guess why Twist isn't involved.

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Just another thing to make the sport look like shit. Excuse my language.

I agree...but I'm still going to watch it, only for Link.

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Didn't see him on the fighter's bio page JR. Why is it that guys with pussy sounding names are always tough, like Dana, Darcy, Tie, Jody, ect?

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<-------Need proof? Look here.

Proof of what, that he can whine and cry like the best of them? Darcy Tucker is by far one of the biggest crybabies in the NHL right now.

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If one of the mods wants to move this into a new topic, I'd be more than happy to discuss this...I just don't want the Gladiator topic to get overrun.

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Looks like it is depending on (the legend announcer Micheal Buffer) to pull in people as he gets top billing. Looks and sounds fishy.

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Looks like it is depending on (the legend announcer Micheal Buffer) to pull in people as he gets top billing. Looks and sounds fishy.

Buffer used to get $1M to do his thing for boxing matches. He'll do anything for a buck, or a couple hundred grand, now.

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