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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How MSH has changed your life?

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Everytime I see a XXX store I think "Oh hey, I didn't know there was a hockey shop here!" I end up leaving with a few things but it's never hockey equipment.[/end of bad joke]

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it hasn't really changed my life per-say.. but you cant beat the prices on used gear and the ablilty to have a slew of LHS owners for advice about gear.

I really like the people here too. I trust a lot of people here and have made a lot of friends.

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I think we have a good group here with age ranging from 13--(?) :P

And my friends usually ask me what to get for equiptment, too.

I am amazed though that some of you got offered jobs. I just wish my LHS owner was just a little more opened minded to actually hiring people!

Once in a while I check the online list to see what other members are looking at most. I saw that there is often times where we have more guests visiting the site then we have members.

I also know a few people (because I convinced them to check out the site) that only lurk around here. So if a guest IS reading this then I would really suggest getting a user name. The community is great and Im sure you have something to contribute to the site.

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As a hockey is a big part of my life, I'd say MSH has changed my life. I can discuss and read things of people that share the same passion than me. I've learn a lot on equipment, radius and such things that makes me a better player. I'm even a more mature person because of reading post of some who have more experience than me.

Thanks MSH...

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