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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy or synergy sicore?

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When i Broke my sicore all thaat was in there was a little strip of silicon like the size of a juicy fruit stick of gum.

i didnt notice any differnce from a si-core to a reg synergy. probably like the regs more

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I have noticed the blades on a si-core split much easier than the regular synergy blade.

Agreed. Within a month mine started to split in the heel, 2 weeks later I had a waste of money sittin in my garage. That Hespeler stick (i think it was..) with the thing in the blade probobly does what it says it does much better, but Chad would know more about it cause he's used them I think.

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I have noticed the blades on a si-core split much easier than the regular synergy blade.

Agreed. Within a month mine started to split in the heel, 2 weeks later I had a waste of money sittin in my garage. That Hespeler stick (i think it was..) with the thing in the blade probobly does what it says it does much better, but Chad would know more about it cause he's used them I think.

Not only did the Hespeler Nemesis Alpha blow the si-core away in feel, the performance was much better too. It's the only time I've brought out a new stick and had everyone ask where they could get one before warm-ups were over. I remember a couple people talking about how they could feel the difference between my Hoglund si-cores and regular synergys. Then when they were dead we cut the blades open and found no insert. It did have a nice curve though.

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I have noticed the blades on a si-core split much easier than the regular synergy blade.

I remember a couple people talking about how they could feel the difference between my Hoglund si-cores and regular synergys. Then when they were dead we cut the blades open and found no insert. It did have a nice curve though.

But I remember the Hoglund Si-cores had a different weave pattern on the blade compared to regular synergys (checkered pattern).

Maybe its just a different blade/material ?

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