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Tacki-Mac Command Grip Help

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Tacki mac distributors

Don't know if you've been to their website, but you can enter your state and it will give you contact info on local suppliers of tacki mac. If there are none in your state, I'm sure you can call around and someone will be willing to ship.

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These things are only good if you lay on your tape really thick. I tried one and it really increases the circumfrence of your stick. I hated it. Yeah, I know the great one use one.

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My dad has only gone through 2 command grips in two years, and he plays 3 times a week, and his palms on his gloves still look brand new, I just started using them and love them especially with the butt cut off, the new ones I just got on ebay are a lot thinner than the older ones I used they seem even nicer, I got 6 white ones, a lot of people around my area are asking about them so i got a few for people to try out

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tacki-mac will sell direct, just email the address on the website.

Thats correct. They will even custom cut them for you.

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I broke one of my sticks today, and want to move the Tacki-Mac over to another shaft.

Have already removed the grip, but I don't have any tape to attach it to the new shaft.

It requires double adhersive tape, but I'm not sure I can just buy any kind and use it?

What type is the one they supply with the grip?

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It may never come off again, but go to a local golf shop, or dicks or something and ask if they have golf grip tape. the best would be a small local shop or golf course that puts grips on. Its the same idea, but it may be a little more permanent than the stuff they supply.


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Anyone have problems installing these? Mine is not exactly "sliding" down the double sided tape post soapy warm water stage.

Did you make sure to remove the one part of the tape. My dad didn't do that and couldn't get it on.

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Ya, I did remove the backing from the tape, so it was sticking to the .. stick.

It seems like my stick is too wide, but there is no marking to call attention to the grip as being for Sr or Jr sized shafts.

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