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Nike/Bauer helmets

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I have heard that the NBH 4500 is a great helmet right now i am using a bauer 5000 its breaking down cracked and gel is leaking i was wondering if its recomended i go back to the 5500(5000) or go to a 4500(nike0004 or bauer 4000)

Thanks for the help

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really depends on what you like the feel of more, traditional foam vs. epp and what you feel fits your head best, try it on first and see...

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I would suggest to look for the 4000, 5000, or 8000 of the older Nike or Bauer. They are the same helmet as the 4500, 5500, and 8500.....but on sale in most LHS and online.

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I just got one for $70 CAN.

I've worn the CCM HT2 for years but they didn't have my size at my lhs so I got the NB 4500.

Does anybody feel like their head swells up in a new helmet the first time they play with it on?

This happens to me every time.

But I digress...the helmet is good.

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Nike Bauer 5500 helmet is AWESOME@ I love it so much.

I tried on the 4500 and ahted it. 5500 helmet has like gel inside it and is extreeeeemmmmmeeeeelllllllyyyyyy comfortable.

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definitetly agree with the NBH 5500 being a good helmet. it has EPP +comfort foam which offers good protection plus comfort. the helmet also has tool-less adjustment feature. i don't think you can go wrong buying this....

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the onyl change in the NB helmets is the 4000 to teh 4500. the new 4500 has some added ridgets so when you tighten the helmet you dont spilt the plastic, and so it stays tighter longer. i wear the 5000, i would suggest to stay with it. they are awesome helmets and add alot more protection. the tradtional foam breaksdown alot easier, and the EPP and memory foam mix in the 5500, adds comfort and protection thta will last longer.

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the onyl change in the NB helmets is the 4000 to teh 4500. the new 4500 has some added ridgets so when you tighten the helmet you dont spilt the plastic, and so it stays tighter longer. i wear the 5000, i would suggest to stay with it. they are awesome helmets and add alot more protection. the tradtional foam breaksdown alot easier, and the EPP and memory foam mix in the 5500, adds comfort and protection thta will last longer.

Depending on the calber of play wil also play a huge factory in this. However is someone has a head that doesnt fit the 5500 then a 4500 usually fits and a proper fitting helmet is more important than wether the foams will last longer.

At a high caliber they should be replaced every 2 years anyway!

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I play highschool does that affect anything about which helmet ... most of the guys on my team have nike 0004 or bauer 4000

What ever fits you best but if the school is buying them check the expire date on the HECC sticker to make sure they got newer ones.....should be 2009 or 2010 atleast.

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