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New oakley visor

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I also saw a number of those visors last year, we have an ECHL team here and almost all the players had those. I also looked for it and couldnt find it

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It's been out. It's the shield Oakley sued Jofa over. The settlement was for THC/RBK to distribute Oakley.

It's referred to as the "New" or Oakley 2.0.

did the jofa have the vents at the top like 2.0s?

I like the 2.0s I have, the vents are just annoying though.. it kinda makes me look like a bug because of the weird shape

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2.0 gives great vision, but dislike the distance from the visor itself to your head. Way too much space to get e.g. a stick up under there...

Use the Itech Pro Wave, and it sits alot closer, but vision and fog-resistence is great on both products.

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I have seent his visor on Ebay a few times. It was also on the cover of the spring 05 800faceoff.com catolougs worn by Crosby on his 8k helmet.

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What ever happened tothis visor? My friend got one from a pro team, but I never saw them at the retail level. Was it a pro only visor?

Yes, that was a pro only visor available mostly at the ECHL level. It is basically a modified version of the Jofa Image/Oakley 2.0 visor, a side mount version without the vented top mount hardware. It is also shaved down a bit, a feature appreciated by some pros who are only wearing the visor because the league requires it.

The retail 2.0 is a nice visor, but the coverage from the side mounts is in a weird shape and then dips pretty low down your face. You also can't really adjust the distance the visor sits from your face.

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What ever happened tothis visor? My friend got one from a pro team, but I never saw them at the retail level. Was it a pro only visor?

There's something about that visor that makes me think of the new Jofa 1C visor below. I know it's not the same one, but it somehow resembles it a little.


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