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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Tape

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tape is tape.. and i think hockey giant or hockeymonkey has some i think i remeber seeing it somewhere

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tape is tape.

and OPS are just OPS. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... :blink:

Is there a big difference between brands of clear tape ? There are big differences between brands of stick tape, but clear tape only needs to work for one ice time before it always gets tossed. Is there a good reason to be picky about your clear tape too ?

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Not that I'm big into different tapes but from my years of playing some clear tape is definitely better than others. They differ in their elasticity, width, and ability to hold over the course a long drawn out game.

I've noticed differences but never enough for me to hunt for one brand vs the other other however, like most things in life, if you pay a little extra for the good stuff, you won't be dissapointed.

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Is there a big difference between brands of clear tape ? There are big differences between brands of stick tape, but clear tape only needs to work for one ice time before it always gets tossed.  Is there a good reason to be picky about your clear tape too ?

Absolutely there is a difference between brands of clear tape! Some stick, some don't. Some stretch more than others. Some tear easy, others don't.

For this coming NHL season, I have 4 of the 6 teams I service using the tape I rep and they ALL have one player that prefers a different brand, for different reasons.

Obviously, I am going to work with those players, but, they like a certain thing(s) about the other brand.

and what brand of tape do you rep for

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i bought some clear tape on hockeygiant and it works great!

comp-o-stik ghosts for GEAR.

they do it for easton as well. at least that is what both said at the show this past year

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Andover tape FTW

Clear or cloth? Andover cloth tape starts to fall off my blade after one beer league game.

I use their friction tape on the blade and its awesome. Their cloth for the handle... also very nice. Haven't tried their clear tape because I don't use shin tape, I use shin guard straps.

And in my experience all tape lasts about a game unless you use wax, then it might last two.

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I've had great luck with the Andover stuff. No tape lasts more than a game for me but Andover and Comp-O are the only ones that are worth a damn for me.

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The only thing I've ever had thats been better than Andover is the Sportstape JR sent me a few years back. I really like how Andover comes in wide white.

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