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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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why your coach is best

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I play on 3 teams, but I choose 1 coach that goes far beyond the others.

He coaches our Varsity High school team.

He came in and pretty much picked up our program and saved us from not having hockey any longer.

Besides that he lives an hour away from where we all live. so he drives an hour there and back every night for us to practice and game. then of course you know us high school kids, sometimes we dont feel like skating and we half-ass it.

Besides that he defidently knows what hes talking about, and hes still pretty young so he has a way of talking to the high school guys like an older guy wouldnt.

He is also really liked by all the parents and players and had played high school hockey when he was a kid. so he is pretty much liked by everybody.

I dont know if ths wins the award, but does anyone else have a coach that goes out of the way to coach you guys?

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"If you don't get out there and knock the sh!t outta at least 4 guys on this shift then your ass isn't getting back on this bench for the rest of the game!"

...When you're semi outta shape its a very scary threat.

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This is simple.

My coach isnt even close to being the best, he's almost down there at the bottom...He's got a bit of an anger problem :ph34r: *cough*throwing pucks at kids*cough*

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at least he's not shooting them at you.

I'm guessing you've had some run-ins with your coach, and shooting them?

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My last ice coach was the best I have ever had. He made me the player I am today I used to be a foreward who never touched the ice now im starting on defence and im a key player. He taught me so many things and never got pissed at us over dumb things.

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at least he's not shooting them at you.

I'm guessing you've had some run-ins with your coach, and shooting them?

I've never played hockey with a coach, but I like to look on the bright side of things.

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at least he's not shooting them at you.

I'm guessing you've had some run-ins with your coach, and shooting them?

I've never played hockey with a coach, but I like to look on the bright side of things.

That's a good approach to everything.

Got the news the other night, that we got the same coach, coaching us again :rolleyes:

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well next time he throws a puck at you, shoot it back at him :D

That was my exact plan. I am heading into this season saying to myself. "If I get hit by a puck, i'm turning around, and throwing/shooting it back" :ph34r:

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