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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what's your car?

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Ugh, Should of kept my sheets from motormech. Got a huge page of info on the hemi. Correct me if im wron but is the real name something like Hemispherical Chamber Design or something like that?

yea, hemispherical chamber design sounds about right. its basically a regular cylinder, except the cylinder head is hemispherical.

Is there like wedge and squish chamber designs. and Bathtub or something like that or am I just going crazy. All these names are starting to come back just dont no if im getting them rite

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Old thread blah blah blah.

Just got my first car...

A '74 Dodge Challenger. :D (I smilie can't quite grasp it's awesomeness)

It originally had a 318 but the owner I bought it from put a 360 in it with a 4 barrel. The engine only has 59k miles.

I don't have a picture of mine but here is a sample to whet your appetite:


It runs and drives like a dream. I love driving it around. Mine was originally red but the paint started chipping so the owner put a coat of primer on. I am getting it professionally painted in the next month. More than likely red again but with a black racing stripe.

And how much did this car cost me you might ask?

$1000 :D

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My bass player at one point had a Charger with a 440 or something equally insane in it. He could pass anything but a gas station. It would be cool to have a car like that for fun but I'd hate to drive it every day.

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I just got my permit yesterday, and I will be driving this red chevrolet custom deluxe pick up truck. I don't know any stats on it except for this place is full of hicks and whenever my step father would drive me to school (If I was lucky because we always have to walk) the hicks would always be like man that is a cool truck. I am like yes sirrrrr.

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