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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightspeeds on Graf's

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I'm thinking of putting lightspeed holders on my 703's they're a size 6. Will 254mm's fit or should I try and find 250mm's?

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I'm thinking of putting lightspeed holders on my 703's they're a size 6. Will 254mm's fit or should I try and find 250mm's?

Flip your grafs over, what size do the holders say?

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No need to flip...will be on the back tower, inside side of holder, right under the back RMS screw.

Sorry, that's what I meant. Since you can't see that from above, you would need to flip the skate over and it's on the holder. Assuming of course, that the skate is below your eye level.

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You never know...he knows A LOT about Graf's...

It's really just a matter of looking to see what the size is on the holder and ordering the correct size. There's no need to be an expert. No tricks involved.

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