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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ultra lite Shaft Weight/best combo.

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Hey i just purchased an Easton Ultra lite 100 flex 06 shaft(white one). its stated as 275 grams. i thought the shaft was suppose to be 290 grams?

also does anyone know how the 3-1 blade to shaft ratio works? does that mean i get a blade thats roughly 100 grams or so in order for it to feel natural?

also whats the best blade to stick in the ultra lite, without cost being an issue?

thanks... ps i hope this isnt a repost... i have had a lot of those sorry. i searched first this time.....lol

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Hey i just purchased an Easton Ultra lite 100 flex 06 shaft(white one). its stated as 275 grams. i thought the shaft was suppose to be 290 grams?

also does anyone know how the 3-1 blade to shaft ratio works? does that mean i get a blade thats roughly 100 grams or so in order for it to feel natural?

also whats the best blade to stick in the ultra lite, without cost being an issue?

thanks... ps i hope this isnt a repost... i have had a lot of those sorry. i searched first this time.....lol

I like mine with the matching ultralite carbonfiber blade. It has plenty of feel to it and isn't TOO heavy). They are also absolute tanks.. I bought a few and actually tried breaking one, but stopped short of snapping it because I thought my shaft would go first. Zcarbons and sicores seem too light for it (making it harder to feel the puck, because it feels like you are pushing it around, instead of handling it). Bauer supreme woodies are also a nice combo for it.

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Does the stick actually say 270 grams? That's the weight of the cyclone, which is supposed to be easton's lightest shaft. It's even lighter than the Z Bubble. then again, it probably won't make much of a difference.

On topic, a friend of mine swears by his UL Grip with Bauer 4000 blade in it. they go very well together.

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Ive got one of those proper old school UL shafts. The brown one i think.

I use a TPS wood blade in it. I think if you dont mind using wood blades, give them a shot because most people ive known with that set up has liked it.

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yeah there are pictures of the shaft here(shows the 275 grams).


i think i got an ok deal to. i live in canada, and shipping is ussually 20-25 from the states this guy was charging 8. and the local sport check sells em for 119.99 can.

and im also getting the feeling that a wood blade is the best in there. if i remember correctly isnt that what pros use to do in the 90s? Easton ultra lites with wood blades?

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ive always loved z carbs with ul's. right now ive got an st in my ul, and it has taken a beating and still works great. a little less feel than the z carb but well worth it in durability, and you get used to the feel pretty quick.

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Vapor X is the way to go...if they have a curve you like. Other than that, Easton Si-Cores are nice.

Why the X?

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