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Shoulder protection

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I've seperated my shoulder twice now and I was just wondering:

1) Is there some type of protection out there I could use in addition to shoulder pads to help prevent this?

2) Which model(s) of shoulder pads would be the best to prevent this?

Thanks in advance.

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I have had problems with my shoulder also. I found that, once the shoulder heals (definitaly let it heal), that if you work on the muscles that surround the shoulder with some weights, you will have fewer times when the shoulder "pops out". you could also check out a brace like this Shoulder brace 462. I haven't used it but a buddy of mine has the same problem with his shoulder and wears this when he sleeps.

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I've separated my shoulders 3 times (left one 2 years ago and last season the right one and the left one got it in 2 games within 3 days). Nothing you can really do but let them heal. As long as they are a grade I separation you are ok. After these last 2 I went out and got some top of the line protection shoulder pads but could never get used to them so went back to my old Eastons. As mentioned before just work on the muscles around there and hopefully it doesn't happen again.

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Top of the line Itechs. They are BEASTS

When you mean top of the line do you mean the current line they have on their website? If so I've been looking at those. They look like they give pretty good coverage. But they look like they could be bulky. Do you have any experience with these pads? How is the mobility?

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For underneath protection nothing beats Jofa. I would recommend a high end Reebok/Jofa shoulder pad. The 6K, 7K and 8K shoulder pads are very protective and are considered some of the best on the market today. Nine out of ten professional hockey players sport Jofa and they are highly recommended by the NHL equipment managers on most of the NHL teams.

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Top of the line Itechs.  They are BEASTS

When you mean top of the line do you mean the current line they have on their website? If so I've been looking at those. They look like they give pretty good coverage. But they look like they could be bulky. Do you have any experience with these pads? How is the mobility?

The 990s are very protective and don't restrict mobility too much. The 660s are a nice mix of protection and mobility and were really popular around here last year, I sold more of them than everything else combined.

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If you are looking to prevent shoulder dislocations, "top of the line" shoulder pads arent going to help at all. All you can really do is wait till the off season and get yourself fixed up with surgery and PT. Other than that, Im sorry to say, your looking at further dislocations. It is the weakest joint in the body and once something happens to it, it will happen again. Im speaking from experience....my left 16 times....my right three times, then four times after surgery. Most recently while I was trying to fix my pillow while I was in bed. Tank like shoulder pads will do very little. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!

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If you are looking to prevent shoulder dislocations, "top of the line" shoulder pads arent going to help at all. All you can really do is wait till the off season and get yourself fixed up with surgery and PT. Other than that, Im sorry to say, your looking at further dislocations. It is the weakest joint in the body and once something happens to it, it will happen again. Im speaking from experience....my left 16 times....my right three times, then four times after surgery. Most recently while I was trying to fix my pillow while I was in bed. Tank like shoulder pads will do very little. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!

Have to agree. Top of the line pads may help a little but won't solve the problem. Time to start learning the art of hip checking like Rob Blake. He had to develop a different style of checking because of shoulder injuries.

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QUOTE (kayhat12 @ Sep 6 2006, 12:29 AM)

If you are looking to prevent shoulder dislocations, "top of the line" shoulder pads arent going to help at all. All you can really do is wait till the off season and get yourself fixed up with surgery and PT. Other than that, Im sorry to say, your looking at further dislocations. It is the weakest joint in the body and once something happens to it, it will happen again. Im speaking from experience....my left 16 times....my right three times, then four times after surgery. Most recently while I was trying to fix my pillow while I was in bed. Tank like shoulder pads will do very little. TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!! 

Have to agree. Top of the line pads may help a little but won't solve the problem. Time to start learning the art of hip checking like Rob Blake. He had to develop a different style of checking because of shoulder injuries.

This is incorrect information. He has a shoulder separation--not a shoulder dislocation. They are totally different. Also, it depends on what level of a separation he has. If it's a 1 he's ok--if it's more than that he's probably out for a few months.

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I realize that, but from what I have experienced (dislocation) and from what my teammate has experienced (separation) the shoulder pads you use has little effect. I realize that they will protect you from a separation to an extent, but even my teammate went back to his little pads after he got hurt. Its really about personal preference bro, but what I am saying is that even if you dish out 150 bucks for football pad like pads, you will still get hurt from time to time. No pad will protect you 100% and you shouldnt expect it to, even if it costs more than a car payment.

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I realize that, but from what I have experienced (dislocation) and from what my teammate has experienced (separation) the shoulder pads you use has little effect. I realize that they will protect you from a separation to an extent, but even my teammate went back to his little pads after he got hurt. Its really about personal preference bro, but what I am saying is that even if you dish out 150 bucks for football pad like pads, you will still get hurt from time to time. No pad will protect you 100% and you shouldnt expect it to, even if it costs more than a car payment.

Yeah there is no shoulder pad with a 100% guarantee but when you advised him to go get surgery that is incorrect. Separations usually just need time to heal. Best preventive method is try and build strength in the shoulder area specifically.

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I've had surgery on my right shoulder after a dislocation while playing hockey.

I had never separated it before but I new they were( both shoulders ) in pretty bad shape from football and years of bad weight lifting technique. ( stay away from behind the neck presses ).

I got big shoulder pads because when I fall I keep my arms in and try and roll . ( I know it's hard to roll on ice so replace roll with slide ) .Fortunately it rarely happens . I dislocated it by sticking out my arm while falling during a game.

Big shoulder pads help if you collide with someone whether it being intentional or by accident. They won't keep your shoulder in place. Muscles will do that.

Don't under estimate flexibility.

I like the ruff stuff so I know someone will try and knock me on my butt one day and hopefully the big pads will cushion the blow when I hit the ice with them.

In the off chance your read this Dr. Lesley Germain. I know you're a big New York city doctor now but I did what you told me and my shoulder is great. Thank-You.

Edit: I know he has no idea who Metro is but I am so greatful.

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