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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Little Miss Sunshine

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I thought this would be a queef of an indie movie, especially when it was picked over "Beerfest" but this is easily the best movie I've seen all year. It's supposed to be a dark comedy and all but I still almost felt bad laughing at some parts.

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Its a great movie, saw it a couple of months ago. It is more of a dark comedy because there isnt exactly setup + punchline = laugh. I saw beerfest last night, and damn did it blow. There is only one really funny part in the movie.

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Damn, all I'd heard about that was how funny it was.

Yup, didn't see this as a dark comedy at all but then again I hadn't really seen any adverts for it either.

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I take great offense to that. SoaMFp was a great movie. Seriously though, I was talking to my friend during the movie and we both looked at each other and were like wtf, this is so fucking bad. It was obviously playing the shitty funny movie angle, but I dunno. the weird thing was, I didn't want to leave. I usually want to leave, and have before, if a movie is really bad, but with this movie I stayed till the bitter end.

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I take great offense to that. SoaMFp was a great movie. Seriously though, I was talking to my friend during the movie and we both looked at each other and were like wtf, this is so fucking bad. It was obviously playing the shitty funny movie angle, but I dunno. the weird thing was, I didn't want to leave. I usually want to leave, and have before, if a movie is really bad, but with this movie I stayed till the bitter end.

Were you cheering for the snakes?

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you saw beerfest and you thogught that was adult? If we are talking about little miss sunshine, I loved that movie. And Im not talking in the rest of this thread, because of Friedrich Nietzsche.

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40 year old vergin in that movie?

Steve Corell actualy played a great roll in this movie, not whacky or zainy like 40yov. Hes a gay guy who tried to kill himself, woo hoo.

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Once I saw him in the beginning and that little backstory I thought this was going to be his "Jim Carrey doing moody straight work" role but he was good in it. Nothing over the top and the sarcasm bit as well as his shopping list for Grandpa.

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The beauty pagent scene was disgusting to me. I was freaking out looking at those fucking girls. They have the body of a 5 year old, but the face of a 25 year old. That was freaky as hell.

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Me too. I kept thinking about that biker guy and wondering what ped-ish situation would come up, then that gets resolved but then out come the contestants. It was a damn freakshow.

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I saw beerfest last night and thought it was pretty good. Generally I need to see a BL movie a few times before I decide if I like it or not, but I was definitely laughing more than I thought I would.

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