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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Verizon Ring-Back Tones

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Today I got a VZW ring-back tone for my phone, but for some reason, when someone tries to call, it doesn't play the song I got. It plays some classical music crap, which I did not get. Has this happened to any one? And if so, do you know how to get it to the tone you actually chose?

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This happened to my friend too. Although instead of getting classical, he got a kickass song that gets stuck in our heads.

We dont know how to change it though. Just saying your not the only one.

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Today I got a VZW ring-back tone for my phone, but for some reason, when someone tries to call, it doesn't play the song I got. It plays some classical music crap, which I did not get. Has this happened to any one? And if so, do you know how to get it to the tone you actually chose?

I have one from cingular.. it took 24 hours for it to work. I would call verizon and have them fix it (and then demand free shit.. Verizon hands out the goods if you ask).

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I would call verizon and have them fix it (and then demand free shit.. Verizon hands out the goods if you ask).

free stuff like what? a new pink razr? or handfree headset? or other crap?

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I got a lot of free minutes and a few ringtone credits.. put up a fight and they will bend.

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