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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to find a Chassis

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I was wondering if anyone knows of a good website that has an assortment of chassis'. All the big sites like hockey monkey or hockey giant just have one or two.

Thanks for the help

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Grab the E-Frame while you still can. Red Star doesn't make chassis anymore. They are light and solid, so I think that may be the way to go. Unless you want a new Mission Vibe chassis that I've got on my hands right now.

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Consider having all wheel progressive independent suspension with a full one year warranty attached to your boots, VS retro tech with a "You break it you replace the whole thing at your cost" warranty.

Consider improving your performance and stability a big chunk in the bargin.

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i heard with the sprung chassis that they are hard to mount on skates. I have a pair of the new sprung chassis but have been reluctant to have someone put them on bc not only have my previous pairs broke but they were also hard for the mounter to put them on my skates

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i heard with the sprung chassis that they are hard to mount on skates. I have a pair of the new sprung chassis but have been reluctant to have someone put them on bc not only have my previous pairs broke but they were also hard for the mounter to put them on my skates

I've only been mounting frames for a few months now but I can tell you that whoever told you they are hard to mount is just lazy. If I can get these suckers on and aligned properly, anyone can. They also may not have the proper tools for mounting inline chassis which makes the job a whole lot easier.

And as Keith will tell you, the new series of frames dropping shortly have addressed the mounting issues and should be even easier to setup.

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i heard with the sprung chassis that they are hard to mount on skates.  I have a pair of the new sprung chassis but have been reluctant to have someone put them on bc not only have my previous pairs broke but they were also hard for the mounter to put them on my skates

The breaking rocker arm thing drove us nuts and really slowed the progress of the frames. We could never get consistant quality from our manufacturer in China. We would get whole shipments that were so raw looking that we had to just recycle them. Then we'd get shipments that looked perfect and broke really easy. Then we'd get shipments that weren't perfect cosmetically, but were unbreakable.

Mind you, we were paying for the rocker arms and the shipping!!!

And I'd go over and they'd put special people on the job and make good stuff. The second I'd be gone, their quality control guy passed everything, no matter what. They started this up with the first samples of the new design, and I fired them.

It's the not perfect looking but tougher rockers that I'm using now. If you look at the design defference between the old and new rocker arms on our site, you'll see how much stronger the new design is. Actually I made more strength changes since those pics that will pay off big.

Some of the frames that have been used every day for the last 8-9 months have never broken a single rocker. These probably have 7-800 hours on them.

It also depends on the player and if he even had spares. Some high profile players went through them like water and just changed rockers. When we got good shipments we laoded them up. They didn't go back to their old frames though! Some players have never broken anything and wonder what we're talking about.

We now have a new manufacturer, new un-modified moulds and an old friend and excellent plastics engineer running our product. We'll get our first all new samples in about 4-5 weeks. Regardles of the design, the plastic formula has to be correct and the quality control has to be dependable.

Then there's the mounting thing. When I first did the mount hole positions I was using the inline mount tool for a guide. I didn't realize how many LHSs only had the short fat ice mount tool. Even the ones that carried no ice gear at all.

So I moved the holes out from the frame for easier easy mounting. The back is still a little tight, but if you take off the back rocker arms it's a snap.

I don't drill through the frame like a lot of guys. I have a cut down frame that I use to mark the holes then I drill them and rivet or T nut the frames on.

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