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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sorry on this one but i cant control myself.  I happen to be a huge mission and revision supporter.  And thats fine thats my personal preference.  But thats a harsh comment to make.  Theres people at revision like nabeel and people at mission like justin who do their best to improve hockey.  dont make a stupid comment like that towards other companies who have millions of other supporters who love their product.  Think about the game they love and the game they push to make better with their product before bashing them.  Its ok to have your personal preference.  But to come out on this board saying three companies are terrible and they suck is just wrong.

Thats fine, and it was no disrespect to Justin etc. and the "good things" those companies have done supposedly. I was never taking a pot shot at the ppl that work there, just certain products. But I have had bad experiences with them and just like any other consumer out there, if I've had a bad experience with their product or service it generally means I won't go back. Companies like Revision and Mission aren't as precious as you either, they see the value in both good and bad feedback in making their product stronger.

I have had lengthy discussions about my Revision wheels with the Aussie dealer. He agrees with my sentiments and recommended I stay with the Rink Rats which perform better. He's been around the block and knows when someone isn't suited/has had a bad experience with his product and when to point them in the right direction.

If you have different opinions to me you are entitled to them. But don't come on and say they are stupud just because you don't agree. There is great value in honest feedback, companies that know this would never label it "stupid" as you have, they learn and make the product stronger.... for eg: Mission with their orig DNA laces.

PS: In light of the above I will continue to be honest with my views on a product, if people don't like that then its their choice and are thus entitled. Just make sure you can back it up. :)

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fine.. and im sure there are many people who have had problems with some of these companies as well. Ive stated in these boards so many times that personal preference is your best friend. Your obviously gonna trust what you like. Im sure if rinkrat had a bad batch of wheels (which can happen and it can happen to other companies as well) as much as they wouldnt want it to happen youd go back to rinkrat and keep using their wheels cause you know what they are capable of. Fine!.. my point is ive had amazing results with my revisions and missions. People like different products and thats the bottom line.. just dont go calling out companies cause of a prior experience.

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For the record, never buying Revision wheels again. Its RinkRats from here till I hang up my skates. Sorry Revision, your wheel sucks and I won't waste my money again. Same as LaBeda and most Mission products.

Calling out a company and saying it sucks does make you look bad IMO, becuase you are saying the all their products are bad, have you tried all their products? Also if you're trying to give your opinion to help others not waste their money on what you say is a bad product, shouldn't you at least explain what went wrong or why you didn't like them instead of just saying "They Suck". I don't think it really helps anyone does it?

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I don't understand why you are still mad, CSW. AussieJoe made a pretty good statement, and I agree.

Before anybody decides to teach me a lesson, fix my thinking, or baptize me, I'd like to add to the "personal preference" factor. This is not just personal preference, guys, it's personal experience, personal effort, and confidence.

You may have seen personal gain in your game, but where are you coming from? I could have come from bottom of the line Missions from Play It Again and upgraded to 500 dollar 10000s with Revisions, causing me to skate faster, due to the fact that my stuff is better and my confidence in it is higher. If you want to talk about personal gain, at least explain where you are "gaining" from.

Mission has had its ups and downs. After the original DNA, the roller line became brittle and full or defects. This point is true, and I am hesitant to spend my good money on something that has a potential of breaking on me like that. However, the recent Quatro line is amazing, durablility wise, looks, and performance. This is great, but is anybody going to jump right into the new Wicked line? You better be cautious, let the hasty and impulsive step first and learn from their experience.

Revision I have not tried, but I do not plan on it, due to the price. Is it really worth it? 80 dollars for a set of wheels that has been reported to last between two weeks and two months? The results are not certain, therefore I will not invest.

Rink Rat has impressed me, though. I've never touched the top end wheels, neither the Hornet or the MB816, but I have tried the Hotshot, due to the affordablility and reputation, and that has been my wheel from then on. At 6 dollars and almost 100% consistency, it is in my opinion, and I would be willing to bet others' one on the best wheels out there.

And Labeda is a joke. It's been the same thing for ages, always splitting, losing grip, chunking, falling apart, softening, losing speed, ... etcetera.

There's a reason why Mission left Labeda, but I don't know the specifics.

Anyways, there's no point in being offended. AussieJoe was a little harsh, but you know that there is a reason behind his anger; when something expensive breaks on you, everything sucks for the time being!

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So should I go pick me up a set of Factory wheels? Hate to see where you guys stand there?

Please give some props to the Rink Rat World Cup...blows Hyper's outdoor offering out of the water IMHO

Should you condem a product based on reputation alone?

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Any manufacturer values honest feedback whether it be good or bad in an attempt to continue to strive to make the best prodcut possible. AussieJoe I believe the only issue CSW truly has with your statement is you said simply that a product "sucks", there is no value to a manufacturer in that because there are no specifics involved, nor is there an opportunity to address or adjust the issues that made you feel so. If you or anyone is interested in giving your feedback to us on any of our products, be it positive or negative, please feel free to email me at nabeel@revisionhockey.com. I would be happy to hear what you have to say and value your opinions.

Revision's Variant Wheel, which is our high end wheel, and the only wheel we originally released was designed to give the advanced skater an edge that no other wheel on the market provided them hence the original name (Tournament Wheel) We have since continued over the last year to upgrade the durability and with our latest version which was released in November of 2006 we feel we have reached unparalleled performance and outstanding durability. Latest version of the Variant wheel is a purple hub, so please note that when giving your feedback, as many skaters especially internationally last skated on the 05' blue hub model. While we recognize that depending on weight, surface, and skating style they may not last 4 months. We do provide a guarantee against chunking, abnormally cracking and splitting for the first 30 days with proof of purchase.

For those of you interested in a quality wheel but not driven to spend the $9.95 per wheel, we are releasing our new Axis Ghost wheels this fall at many of our retailers across the country.

Thank you for your support and feedback!

Nabeel Gerges

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Im more than happy to provide feedback on items I try/buy past the word "sucks". I've done it a few times here in Aus for shop owners and equip distributors and they have been happy with the level of detail I have provided. Be it said but, it seems a few board members are abit more offended by the word "sucks" then perhaps I thought. Something of the cultural divide I guess.

Nabeel, I have no qualms with you or your company, just the wheels that I have bought thats all. But CSW made it sound like I was having a go at you and your company personally. I think if you read my original posting properly and without malous in your tone you'll see I was making a quick and blunt statement about a product and not a person.

Please don't read too much between the lines guys, thats just making assumptions about a person's thoughts and you know how assumptions are the mother of all.... ;)

Need I say anymore.

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I did not feel that you were attacking me in anyway. I was simply responding as to why people would start arguing with you. To say any product "sucks" to a group of people when some of them may like the product, but others have not tried the product may defer them from trying it if they value your opinion. Wheels and other equipment are a very personal preference, so I have no issue with the fact that you chose to use RinkRat instead. Thank you for atleast giving our wheels a try before making that decision. Please send me an email at nabeel@revisionhockey.com with some specifics as to which wheels you purchased and what issued you had. Perhaps we can find some solutions for you.

Thank You,


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