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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shot Advices

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geez. I gotta teach my friend how to play hockey (His parents "hired" me to teach him every weekend during stick&puck time. well.. the pay is good too $15/1h).

Here is the deal. I think he knows how to skate. so, I'll teach him how to stick handle. This is an easy part. but the real problem is I kinda suck at explaining each step of the slap, wrist, and snap shots. Today(exception), I'm going with him and he's doing alright. He seems board. So, I promised him to teach how to shoot all the wrist, slap, and snap shots for the next "class". I kinda worried about it because, as I told you, I really don't know how to explain all the stuff. You know mastering shots truly come when you keep trying tons of time.

So, I ask everyone who read this, please write down all the steps of the shots which I wanted to teach. You may list your own way of shooting too.

(Mainly, I need a clear explaination of slapshot. if you feel being lazy, just write slapshots.)


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My friends ask....


1. When you lift up your stick, your blade should be facing

horizontal(--) or vertical (|). <- think the signs are blade

0 0 <- think these are puck

2. How long should you life up the stick?

3. How do you hold a stick?


1. Do you put your left arm down? or should I hold straight my left arm? (I'm righty)

2. how do you make your shot harder? (don't say you should build your muscle.)

thank you.

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search the web for suff

try epuck.com they have a players page and coaches page that has some stuff

but do some seaching

plus when you are doing something ie. shooting ,do it then, think about what you are doing and just say it or write it down

just something that might help hope it does

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why not do the right thing and tell him and his parents that you are not qualified to instruct him propperly but you would still go to stick and puck with him so he has a friend there to play with.

I know you have good intentions but you can be doing more damage to his game and progress than good. From your posts it seems that you are new to the game and cannot do the things correctly that you are trying to teach.

Teaching anything corrrectly takes alot of knowledge and skill. He will learn faster with a coach or instructor that has a practice plan. Maybe both of you could do get instructed at the same time.

We can tell you how to play hockey or (even build a rocket) but if you don't fully understand and can't express instructions correctly then what good are you doing.

Telling him you can't do it might end up saving your friendship.

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geez. I gotta teach my friend how to play hockey (His parents "hired" me to teach him every weekend during stick&puck time. well.. the pay is good too $15/1h).

Here is the deal. I think he knows how to skate. so, I'll teach him how to stick handle. This is an easy part. but the real problem is I kinda suck at explaining each step of the slap, wrist, and snap shots. Today(exception), I'm going with him and he's doing alright. He seems board. So, I promised him to teach how to shoot all the wrist, slap, and snap shots for the next "class". I kinda worried about it because, as I told you, I really don't know how to explain all the stuff. You know mastering shots truly come when you keep trying tons of time.

So, I ask everyone who read this, please write down all the steps of the shots which I wanted to teach. You may list your own way of shooting too.

(Mainly, I need a clear explaination of slapshot. if you feel being lazy, just write slapshots.)


Wow this is GOLD. You expect to get paid to dispense information that you get here for free? You're either pretty stupid, or pretty smart. I don't want to know which.

Another thing, how can you take money from your FRIEND'S PARENTS to help your FRIEND out? That's great. I'd LOVE to be your friend.

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If you don't know how to do it well enough to teach, you're just stealing their money.


Have them save their money and inrole in a class or rookie league.

He should be able to learn just from watching you (with some help of course).

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Hey, come guys try and help him.

Try this website it is really good for all hockey stuff - http://www.hockeyshot.com/

It gives you a detailed explanation of each shot with diagrams.

Right now where i play hockey we don't have a coach (he kinda got fired) so I teach the kids. Now I try and teach them the best I can. I don't get paid to do it. I have to pay to skate on the rink and train myself for state and nationals at the same time.

Good luck

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Help who, this dpark kid? Hell no, he's beyond help; we're just trying to save his friend from being scarred by a brutal teacher.

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Help who, this dpark kid? Hell no, he's beyond help; we're just trying to save his friend from being scarred by a brutal teacher.

agreed, i had a parent pay me to help there kid wih lacrosse but he was like 9 and i knew what i was talking about

$20 for a hour

too bad they moved to california

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