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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Speaker Trouble

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What else do I have to do to get speakers to work ??????

I plugged it into the wall, and into the computer. The little light is on the speakers, meaing that they work. I try to play music and no noise.

I tried lots of different music sources.

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turn the volume knob up?

Your sound card might be burnt if 2 different sets of speakers didn't work. Go into the control panel and check your device manager (in system under the hardware tab.)

Also make sure they're plugged into the right jack, as most sound cards have 3 or 4 inputs/outputs.

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are you sure you are plugging it in the right place? You may be plugging it into line out rather than line in

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Did the speakers come with any software?

If they did you will need to install this software before you can use your speakers.

Speakers dont have software..

It could be a lot of things.

1) Volume is on mute in your sound settings.

- Go to Start>Control Panel>Sound and Audio Device> Make sure the mute is unchecked and move the bar to the right.

2) Sound Card Drivers are missing.

- Start>Control Panel>System>Hardware tab>Device Manager> Sound Video and Game controllers.

If any of the icons have a question mark over them, you need to reinsall the sound drivers.

3) You have them plugged into the wrong port.

Look at the back of the computer and look @ what color the port is. Most computers these days have the ports color coded. Green = Speakers, Red = Mic. There may be a few more colors than that, but dont worry about those. Make sure its plugged in the green port.

4) Your speakers are turned down.

Duh> Turn them up.

Good luck :)

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software = drives. Most speakers do not have drivers (I have come across some that do though) but soundcards do.

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Did the speakers come with any software?

If they did you will need to install this software before you can use your speakers.

Speakers dont have software..

It could be a lot of things.

1) Volume is on mute in your sound settings.

- Go to Start>Control Panel>Sound and Audio Device> Make sure the mute is unchecked and move the bar to the right.

2) Sound Card Drivers are missing.

- Start>Control Panel>System>Hardware tab>Device Manager> Sound Video and Game controllers.

If any of the icons have a question mark over them, you need to reinsall the sound drivers.

3) You have them plugged into the wrong port.

Look at the back of the computer and look @ what color the port is. Most computers these days have the ports color coded. Green = Speakers, Red = Mic. There may be a few more colors than that, but dont worry about those. Make sure its plugged in the green port.

4) Your speakers are turned down.

Duh> Turn them up.

Good luck :)

My speakers came with with software,

But I also spent over $500 on the system.

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