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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I put this in this board because it could be tied to skating, but this question came to me when I was running. I started running a trail I know I can run, but it was so hard today because about 2 minuets in I got the worst stitch, or cramp. You know what I am talking about, the ones that are right under your heart or around there. Anyways, I was wandering why this happens and what I can do to prevent them. Thanks.

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sometimes you get them from eating right before you run, others are because of the increase in heart rate. Some people will run with their arms up to open their lungs a bit. If you run through the pain it will go away.

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sometimes you get them from eating right before you run, others are because of the increase in heart rate. Some people will run with their arms up to open their lungs a bit. If you run through the pain it will go away.

make sure u wait one hour before doing physical activity after eating. also drinking a lot of water causes cramps. Drink alot the day before and a little per hour until u run again. u can still have water when you run, just dont have a ton

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I heard something about pinching the area where the cramp is, and it's supposed to go away. Im not sure if it actually works though.

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I will probably be lambasted for this old-school advice, but I would try taking a salt tablet before running. Some people just need a lot of salt (I am one of them), and running low causes all sorts of problems.

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I'm not clear on what the pain is, but I've found the best way to relieve it is to raise your arm (on the painful side) and try to reach as far up as you can. Stretch it out and take deep breaths.

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The problem is that you are not breathing deep enough. You are keeping the muscels in your abdomen flexed so they get tired and cramp up. You need to breathe deeper while running and that will fix your problems. Also it will be really easy if you get a deep continuous rythym so that will stop you from gettin cramps.

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from my stuides (i'm a 'Murse' btw) and training i've learned a little bit about cramping up due to exercise...the main thing you can do is drink lots of water...if your cramping occurs often, then drink a couple cups before you run and avoid eating before a run (maybe a bannanna or something small (like an energy bar)would be ok if you are really hungry)...

i'm not sure if that salt pill works, but i'm judging by u sweating out salt, this might not be a bad idea

oxygen absorption and co2 expiration are also important.

next time u run and start cramping, try out this excersice...put ur hands on your head (this opens up your lungs) and blow out through your mouth like you're blowing out candles. this creates a backwards pressure into your lungs forcing more air into your bloodstream and opening up the air channels in your lungs that may have closed due to mucus buildup. do this about 5-10 times and then keep running and see what happens...this exercise works great for me as soon as i get on the bench off the ice...it helps me catch my breath faster...


any questions, feel free to reply

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sometimes you get them from eating right before you run, others are because of the increase in heart rate. Some people will run with their arms up to open their lungs a bit. If you run through the pain it will go away.

make sure u wait one hour before doing physical activity after eating. also drinking a lot of water causes cramps. Drink alot the day before and a little per hour until u run again. u can still have water when you run, just dont have a ton

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wrong and wrong

you eat max 2.5-3 hrs before,a nd if you are hydrated, you won't get cramps. You need to drink before you go, like 2.5 hrs a lot of water so you don't dehydrate so you don't get cramps. Drinking a lot the day before won't help because you body will use it and you will flush out a lot by urinating.

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the main reason you cram is dehydration at that particular moment.

this may be caused by not enough water, too much food, not enough electrolytes, etc...

drink water!!!

i'm not saying drink a ton of water, lots of water is good...just don't overdo it

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