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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XIX vs Synergy 700

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My brother is looking at buying a new set of skates, he's coming from Dasoust 555 that are obviously pretty old. These are 2 of the skates he has looked at getting. Any advice either way, or maybe something similar he should look at coming from the Dasoust? Thanks.

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I have looked at the new NikeBauer lineup and they have almost made me buy a 2nd pair of skates. Even their midrange gear is amazing (one70s etc).

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Personal preference issue. Whatever fits the best. Have him try on both at a LHS and choose which feels the best. If he wants a little more durability though I would go with the Synergy 700 as the Vapor line is not known for its longitivety. Although the 700 isn't top of the Easton line I still believe it won't break down as quickly as the Vapor XIX and he'll get longer useage time from them if he plays frequently during the week.

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