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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The old vapor 10's

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I was wondering what the old vapor 10's fit like (do they fit similar to the newer vapors?) And what they're like width wise, i.e narrow, wide and what they're similaer to. I loved the vapor XX's I had, but I've heard these are more durable and that people liked them a lot. thanks

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The old Vapor 10s are made on the Bauer Supreme last so they fit narrow feet best. Great skate if they don't squeeze. They still sell at a premium, and I still see some pros wearing them (Todd Bertuzi?). Anyway, the newer vapor line is quite a bit wider, so the best thing to do is try on a Supreme style skate (like the 7000) and see how you like the fit.

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I have no probelm with my XXs.  I would go old 7000s before old Vapor 10s.  7000s have newer technology and are more durable.

Yeh, if you have like a year to break them in. :(

Yeah, I should have added only get the 7000s if you like stiff skates. I had no problems with mine, but I like a stiff boot.

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Great skates but heavy compared to what's out now... they're discontinued (have been for awhile). I have a narrow, high arched size 10 foot and the 9D fit like a glove. Mine were pro customs from the Goalie Crease. There are many NHL players who still wear these... well, at least last year. By far the toughest and best made skate I've ever owned but then again they were made for Ken Daneyko. I really liked the skates but they're tanks compared to my Vectors.

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I got lucky a bought a pair of pro stock Vapor 10's on here and definitely love them. I personally thought it was pretty close to the new Vapors when I tried them on...but my EE were still definitely narrower than the CCMs I had on.

I recall Afinogenov and Blake still wear Vapor 10s too.

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