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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fuel AG 110 outsole

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Yesterday after an ice time I noticed that the composite outsole was splitting along the heel of the skate. I was just wondering if this should be a big concern or not because I've only had the skates for about a month (used for about 30 hours). I tried to take a pic but my digi cam doesn't have good enough quality.

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Do you mean the sole is separating from the boot? Maybe overheated? If they are splitting or cracking, I'd warranty them. A skate of that caliber should be more durable than that.

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Not seperating from the boot...it's just split apart, the split is maybe 3 cm wide. Also it might be a bit of a hassle to warranty them because my LHS didn't stock them, I got them ordered in and my first tryout is in a few days so I can't really send them in to Mission.

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Where exactly along the heel is the splitting? Along the edge of the boot? My S500's last year, on the edge of the boot were doing this, It was more of a "frey" then a split. In the long run, it didn't do anything for my skates. So far I have no problems with my outsole on my Ag's

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