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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Insoles, which one?

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I have searched MSH on the topic and looked at the various opinions, but I now see that some members recommend the Superfeet Black and some recommend the Superfeet Grey as replacement insoles. What are the differences in the two products? What are the criteria for using one over the other? The Superfeet website says that both the grey and the black will work with skates. Also, what about the Sole Sport product(Sole) that is thermoformable? Shock Doctor also has a product, but it does not seem to gain much favor with hockey players. Has anyone used more than one of these products and has a recommendation for one over the other?

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Haven't used the Sole product - it does sound interesting.

Used grey superfeet for past 4 years... excellent product. In Missions and now Bauer.

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I am getting some Sole Slim sport series for my skates..currently use the DK ones in some shoes..

you trim them,then put them in the oven ..back in the shoes..wear them for a few min and they form fit...

for what they offer ~$40 I think they are worth it and even bought the most recent pair after getting the DK's to test

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Kovy, the Slim sport series is what most use for skates..I tried to put my Dk's in my Flexlite's and they just took up way too much room in the arch...they have too much volume in all but a couple skates I'd imagine..(I normally are 10.5EE but am 10D in the flex12)

www.yoursole.com for more information...the Sole models vary in thickness of the material from 3.2, 1.6 and thinner

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No problem. Also just my input on superfeet insoles. i have a pair but the plastic arch support thing hurt my feet so i just pulled it of and just used the insole and that worked wonderfully for me.

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