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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holiday training

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Hey, I have my school holidays coming up, this is for two weeks, so what is the first thing I think of doing 'Get better at hockey time'. So I have read the responses to my previous 'physical endurance' post which I will implement into my routine. Though what else should I do? I want to get faster and stronger mainly. I am not too concerned about skill, I can just work on that as much as I can. So right now I do push ups, chin ups, supermans, handgrips and sit on a gym ball for core strength. Is this what I should be doing for strength? My physio won't let me touch weights. So how do I get faster and stronger? also more flexible? (will stretching each day help that?) Thanks for your help.

Also keep in mind this is for inline hockey AND field hockey. The reason that it is for both is that my Dad reckons that I can go further is field hockey than inline hockey (in Australia). So I want to keep my options open right now since I am still young (15) and train for both. Though in the end I will most likely choose which sport to pursue competition in based on which one I like best.

Thanks, Muzza

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I feel a little silly since I gave you the advice to get inline skates in response to your "Physical Endurance" post. I assumed you played ice hockey.

I'm glad this time you choose to mention you play inline hockey.

I do have a little exercise in mind that may do the trick.

Jog up and down a hill for 15 minutes. 50 yards or meters back and forth should be good.

And obviously the steeper the better. Nothing less than 35 degrees.

Bonne Chance.

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I feel a little silly since I gave you the advice to get inline skates in response to your "Physical Endurance" post. I assumed you played ice hockey.

I'm glad this time you choose to mention you play inline hockey.

I do have a little exercise in mind that may do the trick.

Jog up and down a hill for 15 minutes. 50 yards or meters back and forth should be good.

And obviously the steeper the better. Nothing less than 35 degrees.

Bonne Chance.

Do you actually know how steep 35 degrees is? :D

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I feel a little silly since I gave you the advice to get inline skates in response to your "Physical Endurance" post. I assumed you played ice hockey.

I'm glad this time you choose to mention you play inline hockey.

I do have a little exercise in mind that may do the trick.

Jog up and down a hill for 15 minutes. 50 yards or meters back and forth should be good.

And obviously the steeper the better. Nothing less than 35 degrees.

Bonne Chance.

Running down anything more than a 2-3% grade is going to cause injury.

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School holidays?

I know that school around here hasn't even started yet.

Private school?

Guys the Australian seasons are the opposite of those in the northern hemisphere.

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School holidays?

I know that school around here hasn't even started yet.

Private school?

Guys the Australian seasons are the opposite of those in the northern hemisphere.

yeah, they go to school for 6-8 weeks then get 2 weeks off. and then it continues throughout the year

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