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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mid-heel curve

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wat r the advantages of having one of these mixed curves. i hear when u have a heel curve u dont stickhandle as well, or is it that u cant do the flashy tricks(please clarify), and a mid is the best of all worlds.

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This is true for some people. For other people, they can stickhandle amazingly well with a heel curve, like Datsyuk. Its all personal preference.

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As Kosy said it's all whatever you feel most comfortable with. People will have their own preferences, but it doesn't mean you will or should agree with them.

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Its all personal preference. Someone with amazing hands is still going to have them, regardless of what type of curve they're using.

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Epuck's blade tool tells you the advantages and disadvantages of the different curves, the depth of the curve, the face angle, the lie angle and the toe shape. Very helpful

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Epuck's blade tool tells you the advantages and disadvantages of the different curves, the depth of the curve, the face angle, the lie angle and the toe shape. Very helpful

Those are some pretty sweeping generalizations on the Epuck tool and some of the dimensions of the blades used to be wrong.

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okay, sorry...just trying to help

The epuck tool is nice as long as you don't take everything they say as gospel, just like any information. Experience is the best way to find what works best for you.

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how about having a mid-heel curve. wat r the advantages of having one of these mixed curves, is it more of a mid, or more of a heel

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There are no advantages (or disadvantages). It's what you like. Some things that the blade help you with won't necessarily help another person do the same. I don't know what you're expecting people to say. Will a mid-heel help with stickhandling? Shooting? It will help with both, one of them, or none. It all depends on what you like.

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IMO i think that a mid-heel curve (like a modano curve) shoots a bit more like a small heel curve yet for stickhandling handles more like a mid curve. Like everyone said its personal preference. I changed from a heel curve-p106-type to a modano mid-heel curve 4 years back and haven't really changed since.

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There aren't any real disadvantages. I find that I can't stickhandle with a huge heel wedge and can't keep shots down with big mid or toe curves but a reasonable-sized mid or mid-heel is pretty fine whatever style you play.

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Polar1, what curve are you using now? A mid curve is a good curve to start with. From there you can decide if you want the curve further to the toe or to the heel. The "mix" curves just mean the apex of the curve is in between.

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