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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick socks

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i got my american hockey magazine today and near the back of it is an ad for stick socks

they are like coustomizeable decals for your stick.

has anyone used one if these? they seem really cool.


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If you're willing to spend that much for a cheesy sticker, have at it.

i agree, i was just wondering if anyone has tried these before.

Well seeing how they are a new company, I highly doubt anyone has used them yet.

Its not that bad of an idea. My uncle used to make me decals for my sticks all the time and they dont come off unless you purposely try to take them off. I wish he still had all the machines and vinyl, I could of got some of these made for people for like $5.

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I don't know if anyone here went to narch nationals, but they handed out something just like this to all the players. I can almost guarentee that not one person used it. It seemed kinda, like chadd said, cheesy. It could be pretty cool to customize a stick sock.

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Seems they sorta advertise protection, but there isn't info on what it really does to protect it. If it did protect the stick, might be something to look at.

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Seems they sorta advertise protection, but there isn't info on what it really does to protect it. If it did protect the stick, might be something to look at.

If it's solid enough to add protection it's going to add weight.

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Figured...but was thinking at $35 a pop..maybe there are some sorta strengthing fibers or something...more wishful thinking though.

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I found out my uncle still has all his vinyl decal making stuff. I thought about getting something like this made awhile ago, but Im now going to see if my uncle will make me one or two. I even made a couple designs already.

Im guessing the Stick Sock is just a Vinyl Decal with a Heat transfer Graphic, nothing different. And if Im right about that then they are making one huge profit off of this.

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they're only 48"long, which means they'll cover most standard sr. shafts, but not a OPS unless you have cut the stick considerably.

Honestly, I'd take a solid color decal (probably black or white, amybe with a pinstripe) over their designs. not for that price, though.

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Another great method for putting your name on your stick is this one:


Works wonders, and they sell them at Wal-mart.

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