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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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motorola rokr e1

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i have one of these phones and i need a little help.

heres the problem:

when i download songs from cingular, it will download them, but not save them to the phone. how do i get them to apply as ringtones?

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i have one of these phones and i need a little help.

heres the problem:

when i download songs from cingular, it will download them, but not save them to the phone. how do i get them to apply as ringtones?

Welcome to the wonderful world of cingular.

Ringtones and mp3s are different on your phone. The only way to get them to work both ways is to.

a) get your phone unlocked

B) use 3rd party software that lets you hack your phone

c) figure out a way to save it to your phone isntead of your memory card.

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i have one of these phones and i need a little help.

heres the problem:

when i download songs from cingular, it will download them, but not save them to the phone. how do i get them to apply as ringtones?

Buy the computer cable if you don't already have it. Then DL a free mp3 editor and crop the portion of the song you want for your ringtone, usually 30 seconds. A find out what folder your ringtones are stored at on your phone and your done.

It's mega easy.

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i have one of these phones and i need a little help.

heres the problem:

when i download songs from cingular, it  will download them, but not save them to the phone. how do i get them to apply as ringtones?

Buy the computer cable if you don't already have it. Then DL a free mp3 editor and crop the portion of the song you want for your ringtone, usually 30 seconds. A find out what folder your ringtones are stored at on your phone and your done.

It's mega easy.

That's what I do wirth my SE W600

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i have one of these phones and i need a little help.

heres the problem:

when i download songs from cingular, it  will download them, but not save them to the phone. how do i get them to apply as ringtones?

Buy the computer cable if you don't already have it. Then DL a free mp3 editor and crop the portion of the song you want for your ringtone, usually 30 seconds. A find out what folder your ringtones are stored at on your phone and your done.

It's mega easy.

my phone isnt saving anything on it.....

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