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Chris Angel VS David Blaine

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How can you even say that?

You mean to tell me David ACTUALLY IS ABLE TO LEVITATE and put cigarettes threw 25 cent coins?

They are both amazing at there stunts

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That Chris Angel video where he pulls the girl in half is damn strange...

I LOVED the David Blaine "Street Magic"...the up close, slight of hand stuff...When he throws the deck of cards against the restaurant window and one card sticks to the inside, and the guy sitting at the table is like "Holy Shit!"

but the "I'm going to incase myself in ice and call it magic" stuff is not worth watching...

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Some of Chris Angel's stuff is absolutely amazing, I haven't seen any David Blaine.

I would really like to know how Chris does some of that stuff.. :huh:

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Chris revieled some of his tricks.

There all illusions.

The trick were he pulls the women in half is that half women.

I don't know if any of you have acaually seen her before but she was born with only have a body.

I'am not saying he isn't good but all i'am saying is that there all illusions.

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They're both con artists. David Blain at least suckers you with class. Angel uses videocamera magic to pull his bullshit.

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Magic on a huge stage is just big time theatrics...but when you can stand on a street corner with a deck of cards and a short sleeve shirt (ie: nothin' up yer sleeve) and pull slight of hand stuff as quick as David Blaine does...your good.

I've only seen that one Angel vid.

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okay, we all know that Blonathan Pars' Street Magic is the best...there's no competition...."and the gerbil...disaPPEARS" :lol:

For those of you who are curious

the beginning is kind of weird, but it gets better :D

edit: there's a little profanity (the occasional f-bomb here and there and a reference to female dogs), but other than that, it's pretty clean

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I LOVED the David Blaine "Street Magic"...the up close, slight of hand stuff...When he throws the deck of cards against the restaurant window and one card sticks to the inside, and the guy sitting at the table is like "Holy Shit!"

Me too. luv those card tricks.

Quick story. When to visit my buddy in NYC. Got to his apartment with a bunch of his friends. Magic came up and told them though David Blaine was wicked. One of his friends happen to be a magic trick guy -- does corporate events - partys etc. etc. He told me David Blaine tricks are easy - and simple. I was like what. Then he preceded to do for me about half the tricks on Street Magic right there. Biting the quarter, card in back of pocket, coughing up the card, knife in table etc. etc. (didnt do the window though) He said he knows about 75% of the tricks and they were simple for any OK magician to figure out. He told me David Copperfield is incredible - and that even after studying him and and all his videos he cant figure out his stuff.

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i think david blane is better.

i think his tricks are way crazy, but id love to see how he does them. it drives me crazy when i see him do something cool, because i have allways wanted to know how he does all that stuff

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CRISS angel is alot better, my favorite is when hes in the seeled box going through the wood chipper and his family is like crying. and hes goes through the wood chips and blood and stuff is shooting out, and then he comes out of the woodchips on the ground.

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David Blaine is the $hit. The craziest ones are when he makes the ripped card come back together in Tyra Banks' hand. Also, when he makes some guys watch move 25 minutes in 1 second while the guys hand was closed on the watch. A lot of people like Blaine better because he relates to the person he's talking to. Angel in more like a celebrity.

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Notice to all: They both suck....

I wish the emo freak chris angle would just hug his father and stop crying for attention on his stupid ass tv show.

And that other guy is just as big of a looser, except slightly less emo....

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