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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Not sure how many of you are familiar with the story (from what I've heard, it's gained national recognition), but apparently Ralph "Bucky" Phillips has been spotted on and cornered into a golf course in Warren County, PA...This could be it, but then again, NY State Troopers had him trapped inside a 100' radius awhile back, yet managed to somehow lose him.

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Now there are whispers that he has been caught. Nothing has been said by any of the NY or PA police, though, so it is purely speculation.

Well, Chadd, if he's still running around out there, he's still got a Hell of a long way before he gets to you...but he's creeping closer and closer, isn't he ? :ph34r:

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The smartest thing he can do is to keep hiding in the woods. Just about everyone in that part of the state has a gun and they know how to use it.

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Bucky surrendered last night.

I bet that disappointed some of the Cops that were trying to find him....they probably hoped for a different ending.

**bang bang**

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I bet that disappointed some of the Cops that were trying to find him....they probably hoped for a different ending.

Ya im sure they were disappointed that they didnt end up in a shoot out and possibly have people from the force end up killed, and now just have to watch him fry in the chair.

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