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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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finally ordered a warrior stick

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i hope i did the right thing. i'm using a cyclone now. 70 flex. so i got the 70 flex int dolomite & a smyth curve. came to like $180 total.

i was really tempted to get the 75 flex senior, but i kinda dig the thin int's. i'm like 5'8 140.


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Dolomite = best stick ever.

The blade is the most responsive blade I've ever used, and I hate my LHS' for not offering Inno before. The Dolomite is amazing, and the thinness of the Intermediate is crazy. I have a 70 flex Draper

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I've got a 100 flex fedorov. It's just like my 102 flex Hossa Vapor XX, but slightly less blade-heavy and without the light grip. I like the fact that the lie on it is ever so slightly lower because I like to carry the puck out away from my body, although I sometimes don't get everything on my snap shots if I don't pull the puck in enough. Regardless, I love it.

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loved the blade but didn't like the shaft that much... couldn't get use to the dolomite after using the super lite TPS sticks for so long

I agree with ya on that. I bought an 85 Dolomite, and just couldn't get used to the shape. I went back to my SLs and XN10. Don't get me wrong, the stick performed well, just prefer the thinner shaft dimensions of my other sticks.

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gah, i dunno what to do. they just called me & told me they don't offer the 70 flex in non-grip. should i get it grip, or go to the 75 senior shaft without grip?

the senior is going to be thicker, which from what i can tell is no good.

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I use a cyclone (95) for outdoor and a dolomite (100) for indoor/ice. I don't have any trouble going back and forth.

The Dolo feels thinner than most other OPS I have (adrenaline, response, vapor XXX)

How tacky is warrior's grip?

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I just bought a Dolomite today. It'll be used for the first time tonigh, and I'm pretty pumped.

I haven't bought a new stick in a long while either.

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How long are your sticks on skates? Up to your chin?

just about.

it should say on their site or inlinewarehouse what the measurements are. i know i checked at some point before i ordered.

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Is the 70 flex whippier or stiffer than advertised?

i ended up getting the 75 flex. they said i wouldn't notice a difference. but it is much stiffer than mt 70 flex cylcone, that's for sure. but we're talking roller here, i'm sure it'd be whippy with a heavy puck.

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Do you guys think taking off the grip will sacrifice any strength of the stick? Also, my paint chips off of my mac daddy...I love this stick though - definately the most velocity I've had from a stick yet.

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