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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new chest pad

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im in the market for a new chest protector...im specifically looking at the rbk premier or the vaughn v2. Any reviews???Or any suggestions on others...i need more protection on my shoulders particulary...thanks in advance...

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The Vaughn velocity is a great chest pad. I used to use the Vision 5500 and I found my shoulders were getting beat up alot, so I switched over to the V1 chest pads and I love em. They are VERY protective but you still retain your mobility, and once they break in they become really flexable. I havent used the V2's, they look like they have a little more padding maybe but I'm sure they are just as good.

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I'd say Vaughn...lots of people use the Vaughn c/a and couple goalies I know switched to a Vaughn even after using another c/a. But if you already got a decent c/a, maybe you could just mod your shoulders for more protection.

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Neither of those are bad choices but, hands down, the units from Brown are the top of the heap. Now they aren't cheap and some find them too bulky (but things can be done to improve that) but they provide superb protection and durability. I have been using a JB-2000CA for several years and have had no complaints. Hanging on the rack is a brand new 2100 but I haven't even pulled the tags off of it yet.


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the Itech 9.8 prodigy in my eye's is the best chest and arm out there and they do't cost an arm and a leg. There are sinch straps so you can customize the shoulder fit along with alot of movable pads in the shoulders and stomach.

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Our goalie is looking for new chestys as well, he's currently using a set of Vaughn Legacy's that are from c1997. Stu gets beaten up allot by pucks on the collarbone, what do you guys think of the new Vaughn Epics that are out at the moment in terms of collarbone protection? He's very eager to pick something up Vaughn only (don't ask, he'll wear Vaughn and only Vaughn till the day he dies!).

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i actually ended getting the epic...its ok...the shoulder floaters are pretty weird...the length of the chest...i havent broken it in yet...but im sure once i do it will be fine...i cant feel any shots at all..total pretection everywhere...i would either get the epic or velocity...

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