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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting in Montreal

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Here's hoping none of our members are victims of the latest jackasses to go on a spree. Word has it the cops have dropped them both but not before they shot some folks. I never want to know the names of these shooters. No need to make them famous.

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I'm hearing 4 dead (2 of them were apperantly the shooters) and 16 wounded.

Some of the interviews are pretty rattling. Is this a high school or College? There was a blonde on describing the shooter as tall, white, with alot of piercings. Said he had a machine gun.

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About 7 years ago I spent the summer in Montreal at my brother's place, went to work there with him. He lived On Tupper Street, it's on the other side of the St-Catherine Road from the Old Montreal Forum (now the Paramount). So I lived about about 3 mins of walk from Dawson College. As soon as I saw images I told my friend that's like 2 blocks from the Old Forum and from Alexis Nihon Place one of the most popular shopping mall downtown Montreal. I know that corner of Montreal like the back of my pocket.

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I go to Dawson College, and was at school today. Lucky for me i decided to go home on my break right before the shootings happened. A few of my buddies were in the school and they were hanging around the main cafeteria where the majority of the people are, when some guy walked in with an semi-automatic rifle and started opening fire. You never think anything like this could happen at your school, as well as at Dawson, which in the heart of downtown Montreal. My heart goes out to those killed and injured.

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