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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 07' Hints/Tips

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Not sure what you're talking about (picking the game up after work) but if the trailer is just a movie and not actual game play, that could just be a video done to promote the game, and not something you can actually do.

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In the Xbox 360 version do the player use the latest equipment like SL's and xxlites? Because for PS2 they only added the green ST everything else is the same as 06

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Does anyone know how to do between the leg shots like you see Ovechkin do in the trailer for the game?

i don't recall him ever shooting from between his legs?

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don't know if they have any content for nhl 07, but you'll find hints/tips/faqs etc. for just about any game there, as well as message boards.

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A good tip is in dynasty mode you can sign owne nolan and another free agent and trade them for ovechkin right off the bat.

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You can sell that fat kid thats in free agents right off the start for anybody in the game. Hes a fat kid that looks like hes 14 and last names whitaker or something. I just traded him for ovechkin right off the bat.

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worth the 34.99 canadian?

I bought it a few weeks ago, i like it, but they need new features other than dynastys in Europe.. :huh:

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